I Need To Escape

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Just before I left, I helped Anti back into his bed and looked at him one last time. He was already peacefully asleep as I pulled the covers over him.

"I will see you again," I whispered.

I kissed his forehead, left his bedroom and went outside.

"Don't worry Dark," I said, "I'll save you and Lucy."

I flew up in the sky and looked around for any clues for where they could have gone.

(Dark's Perspective)

It hasn't been a full day yet, but I was in a lot of pain from trying to break those bars and the serums that have been injected into me.

"Twelve hours, thirty-six minutes and forty-five seconds... So much pain... So little energy..."

Because of all this pain that's in my body, I took my clothes off until I was completely naked.

"Please don't let Wilfred hurt Lucy... I love her so much..."

I was laying on the metal bed frame, my legs against my chest as I hugged myself, shivering from how cold I was.

I wanted to get warm again, but I was just in so much pain, I didn't even want to move.

Then I saw DNA walk a familiar girl with his green chain around her wrists as they pass by my cellar, she was crying and begging for mercy.

"Please," she cried, "Don't throw me back in there! I haven't eaten for six days! I could die of hunger!"

"Master Warfstache will decide when you get to eat," DNA replied, "But for what you did, you won't get any food for a long time."

"No! Please! I'll be a good girl for Master Warfstache! Just please give me another chance!"

"Warfstache will decide that as well."

I heard the chains rattle, a grunt from DNA and a loud BOOM!

He went back to where Wilfred was and left the girl alone.

I can hear her cry from the other side of the wall.

"Father," she whispered, "Forgive me for what I've done... It's been three days since I have confessed."

I've heard that voice before, but I can't remember who she was.

"Go on," I whispered back, "Tell me your sins, my child."

"I have followed a man who said he had medicine to help my insomnia, but then I realized that he only wanted me to be a slave for his master," she said.

"Who is his master?"

"Mr. Wilfred Warfstache, but he wants me to call him Master Warfstache... I've tried to escape from here, but I failed... Will you forgive me, Father?""

"I... Yes, but I must ask you something."

"What is it that you ask?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're God, of course."

"It's me, Darkiplier. We've met before."

"Since when?"

"The day you helped me, Anti and Sarah escape town, eight years ago."


"What did they do to you?"

"Electroshock... It's what happens when you try to escape from Warfstache mansion... It's painful..."

"I've been through worse..."

"How has Sarah been."

"I don't know, I haven't seen her... That's the problem... I need to escape from here and save her before Wilfred tries to hurt her..."

"Wait, she's down here as well?"

"No, Lucy."

"Who's Lucy?"

"She's... Our daughter... Even though Sarah's been... What matters is that I have to escape from here."

"There is no way to escape, otherwise you'll be put through electroshock..."

"Please... I'm desperate..."

(Wilfred's Perspective)

"Boss," DNA said, "There's someone who wants to see you."

"Not now DNA," I told him as I aimed my revolver, "I'm kinda busy at the moment."

"Says that she's looking for her husband and thinks that you know him."

I pulled the trigger and shot at one of the plates.

"Wait, is she the human girl who is says her husband is Dark?"

"I believe so, sir."

I put my revolver back in my holster and stood up again.

"Let her in," I told DNA, "I need to prepare a little something before I can meet with her."

"Yes sir," he said.

I went over to my mirror and looked at myself.

I brushed my mustache, fixed my bow tie and hair, adjusted my glasses and pulled out a small pink bottle.

"Now that he's gone and out of my face, I can try and gain her trust."

The pink bottle glowed. I opened it and drank a small amount of it. Then I put it away and put on my stripe coat.

"And I'll do that by getting her to fall in love with me."

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