Am I?

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I woke up again, realizing that me killing Mimi and Sebastian was just a stupid dream.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ow! Ah! Ah this hurts. I gotta go to the bathroom."

I got out of bed, slowly made my way to the bathroom, but I felt so much pain in my stomach, I had to lay down and curl up.


Anti and Dark came running for me, Dark held onto me with his arms while Anti held my hand.

"Sarah! Are you okay," Anti asked.

"No... My stomach hurts and I don't know why," I tried to answer, "It feels like I'm dying..."

"This is not normal of her," Dark said to Anti.

"Am I going to die again?"

"No, I don't think so."

"What is it about your stomach that hurts? Was it something that you were dreaming about?"

"No, it was more of a flashback... Of Morduk..."

"What was he doing?"

"It was when the school went on lock-down because of a threat... Then he did things to me... Things that were sexual..."

"That was just about six days ago."

"Is that why your stomach hurts?"

"Probably... Ah..."

"No, not right now. This can't be happening right now..."

"Dark, we have to get her to a hospital."

I felt something kick me in my stomach, I rested my other hand on my belly, but now it felt more... Round.

Am I... Pregnant?



"Come on. Were getting you to the hospital."

I was picked up by Dark, he and Anti ran out of the house and tried to find the hospital.

"Just hang on there," Dark said.

I held on and hugged him as I was in tears.

"Dark," Anti said, "We've got a problem up ahead."

"What is it now?"

"Small shadow creatures."

There was lots of small giggles and laughs and these smaller demons were all around us.

"Shadow wants the human girl," one of them said.

Then that same shadow creature leaped towards me and Dark, with its blood colored claws and teeth.

I screamed, Anti quickly got in front of us and punched the creature down.

"I don't think so ya fuckers," he said, "You're not going to take her from us."

"We're gonna have to fly," Dark said, "Hold on."

He unfolded his red & black demonic wings and flew out.

"What about Anti," I asked.

"He'll catch up to us," Dark answered, "How is your stomach feeling?"

"Still not good. Ow..."

"Don't worry, just hang in there. I'm trying to get you to one as fast as I can, but not so fast where I might drop you."

"What were those things?"

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now