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After two more class periods, it was lunch again.

"What should I eat? Oh yeah, I still have that extra bread, turkey and peanut butter from that trip."

For some weird reason, everyone around me was in their own small crowd and looked at me in a weird, disgusted way at me.

"Hey there Eveline," I said as I sat down.

"Hi Sarah," she said, "I didn't see you there. How have you been?"

"Mimi and I are going to start a club for those who are depressed, anxious or suicidal. Kind of like a face to face Suicide Hotline."

"That's really awesome. I like that."


"Oh look, it's little Eveline."

Two girls came up to our table and looked at Eveline.

"Of course she's little. She doesn't belong here at LCHS. Go back to elementary school," the girl on the left said.

"No one even likes you anyway," her friend added.

Oh no you don't.

I set my backpack down, stood up and pushed one of the girls away.

"Hey! How rude of you," she said, "You can't push a girl!"

"I'm a girl too," I said, "But that doesn't mean you should make fun of my friend."

"Since when you were friends with her? She's worthless! Just like you!"

"Wait, have I seen you before?"

"I'm in your stupid gym class. Why?"

"No reason, no reason. Just curious."

"Hey, leave her alone."

The other girl came up behind me and pushed me.

"You leave Jamie alone punk! Thanks to you, my boyfriend is in jail! You ruined everything," she said.

"I never did anything," I said.

"Damn right you did something bitch! You ruined my life!"

Then she punched me in the face. I fell to the floor, but I sat up and wiped some of the blood from the corner of my mouth.

I saw in the distance that Eveline was running from the fight.

I got back up on my feet and looked at the two girls.

"Oh look. Someone's back up and ready for a fight. Go ahead and hit me! I dare you!"

She had her fists up and faced me. I held mine up, but only for defense.

"Come on! What are you waiting for! Punk! Just punch me! Show me what you're really made of!"

Should I punch her?



"That used to be the person who I was before, but now I'm a different person and this new me doesn't fight back physically."

"No! You are going to fight me! You know what? Meet me at the back of the school, today. As soon as the last bell rings, mono e mono. Be there and make sure you bring an ambulance with cause I'm gonna hurt you really bad until you bleed, bitch."

I just ignored what she said, grabbed my backpack and simply left.

I have to find Evelyn and make sure she's okay.

Oh yeah! I have her number she gave to me after gym class.

S- Eve, r u ok? Where r u?

Eve- Did u fight back against Willow?

S- who's she?

Eve- she's Jamie's friend, and used to be girlfriend with Sebastian.

S- Oh... Well, I did fight back.

Eve- thank god.

S- but I fought back with my words instead.

Eve- ???

S- I'll tell u about it when we meet up. Will u plz tell me where ur at?

Eve- I'm over by the theatre, mainly by the stage.

S- Ok, I'll be there

"Willow and Jamie, I'll have to remember that. But why name a girl after a sweet delicate flower who's also tough as nails?"

The theatre wasn't too far from where I was at.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now