The Wedding

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What? How is he still alive?

After fighting for about two hours, he wasn't tired, hurt or anything.

I was about to collapse to the ground of exhaustion and blood loss from some of the cuts and marks on my body.

I can't do this...

Feeling weak under my feet, I fell down to the floor on my stomach, but I still was holding my knife.

I just closed my eyes and my knife rolled out of my hand.

I failed. I can't believe I failed.

I let them down...

I heard Shadow laugh as he faced the demon crowd and raised his arms from the sides.

Come on...

You can do this.

I need to stop him from taking Lucy away from me, Dark and Anti.

With the strength I was able to recover, I crawled to my knife, sneaked up behind Shadow and stabbed him in the shoulder.


"Do me a favor and stay away from her."

He just chuckled in an insane manner and looked back at me.

"How about you do me a favor and be my bride," he said.

He kissed my lips and I fainted.

(another time skip)

I must've been super tired from that fight because now I felt much better.

I looked to see where I was.

I was in a bedroom similar to mine, but now everything was colored black and the wood was dark colored as well. A black wedding dress was on a mannequin as well as a black transparent veil.


I won the fight, but I'm still going to be forced to marry a demon?

I'm so confused.

Besides, wedding dresses are supposed to be white, not black.

But now this means that I can't go back.

I won't be able to see my Darkiplier again, or Anti, no one.

And even though the three of us have been together as a family for a month, I've seem to fall in love with them, especially with Dark.

Even if he may look tough, he can be sweet and caring just like how he looked at me the first time.

A shadow creature who had the figure of a girl my age came in and saw me.

"Hello," I asked, "Do you know where I am?"

"You're at the chapel," she answered, "Where you and the lovely Shadowplier are getting married."

"But... I won in the fight... He said he would leave me alone for good."

"I... Don't really know what to say about that... But Master Shadow has his way of thinking..."

"But now that means I can't go back to my fam- I mean my guardian demons... Well, they're like my family, but I don't want our child have to live without their mother..."

I got out of bed, but I still looked at the shadow girl.

"The demons who are forced to live and roam the Earth permanently," she asked.

"Yeah," I answered, "You've been with them before?"

She looked from behind and came closer to me.

"Look, I know I'm supposed to work for my master, but I want to help you out of here. Before I was taken in by my master, I was just an innocent soul in Heaven with the angel Lightiplier. But I was kidnapped by his shadow minions and now I'm forced to work for Him."

"Do you have a name?"

"I'm Cynthia, and you are?"

"Sarah. I'm Sarah."

"Okay. Listen closely, Sarah. With some of the abilities that I still have, I'm going to open up a small portal that your friends can come through. Once they're here, one of them should be able to interrupt the ceremony. I don't know what will happen next, but it's going to be scary."

"How much long until the wedding?"

"Only an hour, but just pretend that you are happy about it. I just... Need some time to open up the gateway as soon as the ceremony takes place."


I went to the black wedding dress to get a better look at it.

Wow, this was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

(fifty five minutes later)

I was in my wedding dress with the veil in my hair, the makeup on my face was very well done, the red lipstick on my lips and my painted black fingernails.

(Shadowplier's Perspective)

"You look handsome Master," one of my shadow minions said.

"Thank you," I replied with a grin on my face.

"Will she ever know about the fight?"

"Nonsense! With my special kiss, it should've wiped away some of her memory. Even the memories of Darkiplier and his green haired punk."

I fixed my bowtie and combed back some of my black hair.

"It seems that everything is in place, Boss," he said.

"Perfect," I replied.

(Sarah's Perspective)

It was time.

I was scared, but I can't let it show through my face.

I moved some of my hair out of my face, grabbed the bouquet of black roses and stood in the doorway that lead me to my going to be new life.

All of the well groomed demons and demonettes stood up and faced me.

Trying to stay calm, I slowly started to walk down the isle as I looked at Shadowplier.

Just with how he looked, he was also well groomed.

Wearing a black suit, a very dark grey dress shirt and a black bowtie. There was also a black rose on his suit as well, his shadow creatures had blood colored roses.

Despite of his looks and trying to not look like the bad guy, he still makes me remember of Darkiplier.

I was face to face with him.

I handed the bouquet over to one of the other female shadow creatures behind me.

Shadow grabbed the front part of the veil and set it over my head, showing my face.

"Hello again sweetheart," he said as he caressed my cheek, "You are more beautiful than I imagined."

Looking down, trying not to make eye contact, I said,

"Thank you... You look very handsome..."

He stepped back a little and held both my hands.

"Demons, we are gathered here to bond these two together, The King of Shadows and this human girl."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ