New Abilities

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After school was finished for today, I decided to try and fly home myself.

I checked to see if my backpack wasn't in the way for my bright pink wings to move.


Now I just need to get up on something high and take off.

I saw a few school buses coming to the front of the school to pick up kids and bring them home.

"That's it! I can climb up onto the roof of the bus and use that as a take off platform."

I looked around, making sure that no one else was watching me. I jumped up on the back of the bus and climbed up to the roof of the bus. I made sure that I had a good grip so I don't fall off.

The bus began to move and drive.

Just remember what Dark told you, don't look down.

The bus stopped at a stoplight, this was my chance to jump and fly. I got up, ran on the roof of the bus and jumped. My wings unfolded and pushed me up in the air.


I made sure to keep myself balanced, just like Dark and Anti told me. With every push, I felt alive and free.

I'm no longer afraid of flying anymore, because it was so fun and exciting.

I flew around in a circle and a double loop.

A small green bird flew with me by my side, I knew who it was supposed to be.

"Anti," I said with a small giggle, "What are you doing?"

"I'm a bird," he answered.

He changed back into himself and had his wings out and flew with me.

"I knew I had the feeling of being watched in English," I told him, "I didn't even know that you were actually there!"

"I like it how it puzzles people," he replied with a laugh, "It always gets them curious."

"I'm always a curious person. I thought it was pretty cool that you were able to present yourself in front of my classmates."

"And I was the kid who said nerd in the first place."

"Haha, very funny of you Anti..."

"But that was my opportunity to quick change back into my original self and sneak back in there."

"You remind me of my older brother Felix. Wait, do they know that I'm alive again?"

"Lightiplier already told them that, so you have nothing to worry about."

"Wait! How do we know that were back to the house? I don't wanna look down..."

"Why is that?"

"I'm afraid of heights..."

"How bout I fly in front of you and try to look at me, just like with Dark the other day."


Anti flew in front of me and lead the way.

"Are you watching my butt," he asked.

"Yes," I answered, "I'm on butt duty. I am making sure that your butt is safe."

"Have you noticed anything different at school? Like after your project?"

"Not really, other than with lunch."

"What about it?"

"Well, there were some soups out for everyone to get. For some reason, they started to bubble up. Then these three girls came to get some of the same soups and they exploded and got it all over themselves."

"Haha, that's pretty funny!"

"But do you think you can help me with that? Dark told me that you also have that same thing as well."

"Of course."

We found home and slowly flew down to it, well I did. I still wasn't used to flying.

"Yo Darkiplier," Anti called out.

"What," he replied.

"This girl here got an A plus on her project! And even her entire class believe that we are real!"

"Wait really?"


"That is actually... Pretty awesome. Nice job."

"And also, we discovered one of her, what Lightiplier calls them, abilities."

"Hold on, let me come out and see."

Dark then appeared outside, moved some hair out of his face looked at us.

"Try and see if you could catch this rock," he said.

"Of course I can catch it," I replied.

"Not with your hands," Anti said, "Catch it with yer mind." 

"You won't throw it hard right?"

"Nope, just in the air. Try to not let it touch the ground."

Dark threw it up really high. I tried to focus on it so I can get it, but it just landed on the ground.

"Don't worry, it's not gonna happen right away. Just keep on practicing."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now