Stockholm Syndrome

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(based off the name of this chapter, this will be taken through the perspective of Shadowplier)

I sat in my throne of black charcoal skulls and bones and grumbled.

"How am I going to get this human girl to be my bride now," I asked myself, "Those two idiots are protecting a human for fuck sake!"

"Boss," one of my shadow creature minions said, "We found something interesting about your human girl."

"And what is that?"

"After that green headed punk beat you tot he ground, they realized that their human friend was pregnant."


I sat up and looked at my minion straight into it's eyes.

"They had to stop and get on some ground to get this smaller human out of her stomach... But now that means there's four of them now."

"Morduk did say that he used that human, so that means that the child is still human, but also half demon."

"What is your plan, master?"

"I'm going to need you to come with me, I want to see what this smaller human looks like."

"But what about that fight you made against her?"

"Never mind that now, I want the human child now."

I imagined being inside that new house of theirs, somewhere dark, with little to light and wherever the smaller human was.

We were now inside of a small closet.

"We must be inside of the small human's closet and room," my loyal shadow minion said.

"I know," I growled, "Find a way for us to get out of this enclosed space, I'm claustrophobic!"


Now, this shadow creature minion was not only my minion, but he was the first shadow creature that I have pictured in my mind. He also had some slightly longer more blood like claws. Managing to pick the lock, the door opened and we were in a room that was very dark, but not too dark.

There, in a crib, was the smaller human, peacefully sleeping.

"Hello there my child," I said in a deep voice.

"This is not how I saw the human child," my minion said, "The last time I saw it, it was covered in blood and crying. Now it's asleep?"

"Morduk said that these things would get bigger and stronger when they're asleep."

"But what about Darkiplier and Antisepticeye? How would they know that the child is still here, even if we were to take it?"


I changed my form into Darkiplier and grinned.

"Now when Anti sees me and Dark, he'll get confused on who is who."

"Ahhh, interesting..."

I picked up my loyal minion by the throat and glared at him.

"Are you questioning me about my plan," I growled.

"No no," he answered, "Not at all, master. Your plan is brilliant."

"Close enough..."

I dropped him and looked back at the small human.

"I will take good care of you, my child."

But then some green headed punk had come in and see what was going on.

"Hey there Dark," Anti said in a tired voice.

"Uhh, hey there," I said in my Darkiplier voice, "Why are you tired?"

"I already told you that it's my sleep paralysis, like, seven times... I think it's getting worse every time I try to fall sleep."

"Still? I thought it was taken care of."

"I'm going to wake myself up with some ice cold water... It works for me every time."

"Do you know when Sarah will be coming back?"

"She's probably on her way now..."


"Well, go wake yourself up chap. I'll be sure no one tries to take the... I mean, go out and do my demonic duties."


Then he left and closed the door.

"His sleep paralysis is getting worse," I thought, "Either he's telling the truth or he's on drugs..."

"Well," my shadow minion asked, "Shall we take it?"

"I... Uhh... No..."

"But don't you want this human child?"

"Yes, but... Just not right now isn't a good time."

I turned around, facing back to the open closet and pondered.

"Something about that child makes me feel... Weak..."

"What are you talking about?"

"I... I can't do this... Not like this... I need the other human first..."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin