What About Her?

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(DNA's Perspective)

"Perfect," Wilfred said.

"What are we going to do with him boss," I asked, wrapping up Dark's ankles and wrists with my chains.

"We're gonna do a little... Experiment. With him and that girl, Sarah."

"That's going to be tough to get her to come to us."

"Why is that?"

"Well, while I was at that one wedding where Shadow was forcing her to marry him, I overheard that she, Dark and Anti now watch over another human."

"Another one you say?"

"They call her Lucy, I believe."

"Huh, interesting."

"Any plans on how were going to get both of them?"

"Actually no, I don't have any interest in Sarah anymore. I want her child now."

"And once you have her?"

"I don't know... Throw him in an empty cellar and we'll let him get weak."

"Right boss."

I dragged Dark by the chains around his feet and went to the downstairs.

"I'm sorry I have to do this," I whispered to him.

I found an empty cell, dragged him in there, untied the chains and locked the cellar door shut.

"Gah... Need more of my serum."

Luckily, there was an extra supply down here. I grabbed a syringe, pulled up my sleeve and injected the serum in my arm.

"Ow! Oh God this hurts, but it's what keeps you alive, DNA."

As soon as all of the serum was injected, I threw out the syringe, pulled down my sleeve and went back up to Mr. Warfstache.

"He has been taken care of," I told him, "What are your demands?"

"I have no demands for now," he answered as he sipped his tea, "You may roam around and do whatever pleases you. If I need you again, I'll give you the word. Make sure the note has my magnificently pink mustache is on it."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

I had to figure out how steal that other serum, but now is not the time.

I just simply left his office, went to grab a few more serums and went outside to look for some more humans.

"I need to know where they are," I told myself, "If Wilfred wants the little human girl, then I should find out where she is."

I just continued walking with my hood up, looking at the sidewalk and listened to all the sounds all around me.

Nothing but wind flowing through the branches of trees, birds singing and laughter of children.



I turned to the right and saw that I was nearby a playground that was nearby a school.

"That wedding was eight years ago, so the little human girl, or Lucy, must've been a baby. She must be here at this playground."

But then I realized that I can't be exposed. I disappeared into the air and flew back up upon a branch of a big tree.

It also was a good place to blend in with the leaves, because I was wearing green.

Lots of children were running around, some were on a few swings, few were going up and down the slide, another few were jump roping, some played hopscotch, but only one kid stood out to me.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin