An Adventure Of A Lifetime

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(Sarah's Perspective)

I walked through the front door and saw that Darkiplier was asleep on the kitchen counter.

"Dark," I asked, "Are you awake? It's me."

I set my hand on his shoulder. He immediately woke up, grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed him off of me and just looked at him.

"What the fuck was that for," I yelled.

"I missed you so much baby," he said, "Did you miss me?"

"Of course I miss you, but not when you attack me like that!"

"But I miss you... It's been a month since I've seen your pretty face... I want to make you feel beautiful..."

Dark picked me up bridal style, carried me upstairs to my room and set me down on my feet.

"It has been a while," I said, "I didn't know that you would miss me that much."

"You are too sweet," he said while holding me close, "You are just like a drug. So addicting, so delicious and tender..."

He had one of his arms around my waist and held my head. I set my hands on his bare chest and traced the outline of his upside down heart.

"Don't... Do that... You know it gets me weak everytime..."

"But you know you like it, Daddy."

(get out while you still have the chance)(or continue and be scarred for life)

Dark leaned back to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed. I took my shirt off as I rubbed my neck with both hands and gave him a sexy look with my eyes.

"Ohh yes... Daddy likes what he sees..."

I went over to him, still looking at him and slowly took off his black and red leopard robe, showing his chest and stomach.

"Keep your hands to yourself now."

(Darkiplier's Perspective)

She went to my soul hole and started to lick the inside of it.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh..."

I don't know how she does it, but this was definitely giving me a boner.

I laid down on my back as she took the rest of her clothes off and got on top of me.

"Daddy misses you so much..."

"I missed you as well..."

We just stared deep in our eyes in a loving way.

I held her by her sides and started slowly kissing her.


My heart was beating out of my chest just because I was back with her and that she was in my arms again.

She had one of her hands go through my blood red hair and the other one rest on my neck.

"Oh God... I'm so hard..."

"Does it turn you on more when I do this?"

Sarah went down to my neck and started to kiss it, slowly but with sweet kisses.

Even though I have loved other demons and people, I've never been the non-dominate one.

"Ah! Ah! Oh! Oh my God... Ugh! Oh it feels good... Ohhh..."

She went to the other side of my neck and pecked at it, until it was found.

I set my hands over by my head as I slightly lifted it up, showing more of my neck. She roughly bit down on that spot and growled.

"AH! AH! AH! OH GOD! AH..."

She stopped then licked where she bit me, looked back at me and licked her lips.

I rubbed my neck over the bite mark, but no pain.

"Why did you bite me," I asked.

"To show that it's my turn of course," she answered.

She rubbed my neck and slowly kissed my soft, sweet lips.

I grabbed her sides and just held them.

"I've been missing you for a long time..."

"Should we go on a little adventure? Go somewhere where it's only us? Maybe have a little fun?"

"Definitely, I even have a surprise for you."

(Sarah's Perspective)

I got off of him and put on my clothes again.

Dark grabbed a pair of black jeans with the knees ripped, put them on and grabbed a plain shirt.

"It's somewhere in here," he said looking around in his closet.

"It is," I said acting curious.

"You know how you've always wanted a sleeveless flannel just like mine?"


"Well, the other day I found the right one just for you."

"Oh my gosh, really?"


I put on my t-shirt and then the pink flannel.

"I love it! Thank you so much, Dark."

"You're welcome sweetheart. But there's also something with the surprise."

"What is it?"

"I'm not telling, otherwise that would ruin the surprise."

"Aww, alright..."

"But I do want you to bring some extra cash with when we go."

"I can't wait! I'm so excited for this!"

"I'd knew you would."

I jumped into his arms and kissed him.

"I love you so much," I said.

"I love you too," he said.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon