Bathing In My Own Blood

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(Anti's Perspective)

It must've been hours that I've been asleep.

I opened the door of the cooler and flopped myself out. Some ice fell on my back, it didn't wake me up, but damn I got the best sleep I've ever had.

I saw this car glowing bright blue drive away, the guy who was driving had a dead mouse head on, there were three girls in the back seat cheering. I saw that one of them was...

No, it couldn't be...

I quickly put on my clothes and ran for that car. 

I couldn't keep up with it, I just collapsed in the middle of the road and fell into another deep sleep.

(Continue reading at your own risk!)
(This next part I'm about to write is going to contain a LOT of Blood!)
(If you are squeamish about blood, then skip this chapter or go watch videos of kittens playing around.)

I tiredly woke up and found myself in my bed, covered in my green bed sheets and was covered in a red liquid that I couldn't recognize.

"Anti," I heard Dark say, "Anti, wake up! Wake up! Wake the fuck up!"

"Not now," I mumbled, "I'm busy..."

"Anti, you need to wake up! Now! You're dreaming!"

"Just let me sleep, I'm tired..."

"No you're not! WAKE UP NOW!!!"

I sat up from bed and got a better look at myself.

The red stuff I was covered in was blood.

Some of my green bed sheets had many blood stains on them, I felt light headed, I looked down at my arms and hands, only to find them getting more cuts and more blood leaving the cuts and run down my arms.

"Anti, what did you do?"

I felt an unnatural force grab my spiked green hair as it pulled my head up, exposing my neck. The same force grabbed my wrists, twisted my arms and then held behind my back.

"STOP," Dark screamed, "STOP IT!!!"

"It's not me," I screamed back, trying to break free from this force.

I started to feel an uneasy pain in my chest, like I was being stabbed, but nothing happened and the pain went away.

I was seeing this person who was dressed like me, their eye was glowing even more green then my own. They wore a blue hoodie with the hood up and he had some sort of syringe with this bright green fluid.

He stuck the needle into my neck as I felt another sharp pain in my stomach.

I quickly got up from bed, ripped everything off that I was wearing and went to the bathroom.

I rubbed my hands over these mysterious cuts, getting them covered in blood and smeared them all over the bathroom walls.

I was laughing like a maniac as I decorated the bathroom with more blood. I grabbed a small razor blade from the cabinet, climbed into the bathtub and started to cut myself more. The tub was surprisingly already filled up with water, it slowly started to get red.

"You are weak..."

"You are hopeless..."

"You are nothing..."

"You are a waste of space..."

"You are pathetic..."

"You are worthless..."

Every time I spoke, I cut myself with long, deep, painful cuts.

"You... Your body is weak... Inside and out..."

I let out a crazed laughter and started to cut my legs.

"Look what you made of yourself... You are going to be beautiful with all these cuts and scars... You will be something..."

Dark ran in and started to yell at me.

"ANTI," he screamed, "STOP IT!!! YOU'RE SCARING ME, GOD DAMN IT!!! STOP!!!"

He grabbed the wrist that I was holding the razor and pulled it away from me.

"NO," I roared, "I NEED IT!!! IT HELPS ME!!!"





I got my wrist freed from Dark's hand.

But I pulled it back too much because right then and there, I accidentally let my razor go across my throat, slitting it.

I froze.

I looked down, realizing what I was doing.

I wanted to panic, scream, anything to show how much pain I was feeling.

Instead, I just took my arms, rubbed them against the tiles, hyperventilating and scared, now I felt so weak. I ran my fingers across my arms, looking at all these horrible cuts I made. I looked so pale, so weak.

"Dark," I began to say.

But before I said anything else, I leaned back against the tile wall and dropped myself in the tub of blood.

"Anti," Dark said, "This isn't like you..."

I just looked at my arms again, running the tips of my fingers across the cuts. I was expecting a lot of pain, but I didn't feel anything.

Blood was dripping down my chest and stomach from my accidentally slit throat...

I was...


"Anti," Dark said again, "You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay. You will be alright, you will be something to us again."

"I was something," I said weakly, "But now I'm nothing..."

"No, don't say that! You are going to be something."

"What's the point, Darkiplier? Everything I do it just gets worse. Why did you have to make me like this?"

"I didn't make you like this, I didn't want to at all."

He cautiously grabbed my other arm and looked at the horrible cuts.

"I've become so numb I can't feel you there."

He looked at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know that I failed, but I also know that you were like me when someone was disappointed in you..."

I started to cry, feeling so guilty of myself. I looked away from him, tears rolling down my face as I said my last words,

"Just admit it, Darkiplier... I'm nothing..."

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