Reunited But Still Lost

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(Sarah's Perspective)

"Why can't I go back? I need them."

"I understand you want to go back, child. But I know that you want to see them again."


"Those folks."

Light showed me these two people who were holding hands and smiling. They were also dressed in white clothes like me.

"Hello there sweetie," the man spoke.

"How have you been," the woman asked.

"Have I seen you before," I asked.

"Of course," the man answered, "We're your parents, sweetheart."

"Mama? Papa?"

I ran and hugged them and stayed close to them.

"I can't believe I'm seeing you again," I said.

"We miss you so much dear," Mama said.

"After twelve years, we get to see our beautiful girl again," Papa added.

"I missed you guys... After those twelve years..."

Some tears rolled down my face, but I just wiped them away and looked at them.

"Mama, I've been living with demons for these past several days."

"Who are those demons?"

"Their names are Antisepticeye and... Darkiplier..."

Sadness has slowly crept up in my mind and heart. I miss them, especially Dark...

"Why were you living with demons, sweetheart?"

"I... Ran away from the people who adopted me, I couldn't call them family. Because you and Mama were my family..."

"Well you're back home with us now."

"That is true, but... I already had one..."


"A family... A small family of demons... My guardian demons..."

"You don't need to worry about them anymore, you're back with us."

"I'm sorry... Can I please have some space?"

"Of course."

I slowly walked away from them and crossed my arms together, thinking about Dark and Anti. I went back to the willow tree with the small house, climbed up the tree and sat on top of it.

"So," I heard Light say, "How was the conversation with your parents?"

"Perfect," I mumbled.

"You don't seem happy about it."

"I just... It felt so. Awkward... When I told them about Dark and Anti, they had a weird look on their faces."

"What weird look?"

"As if they were just... Disgusted... All because I was living with demons."

"Twelve years can be a long time."

"But I mean, I felt like I don't want my parents anymore and that I wanted to go back to Dark and Anti..."

"You have to wait until the right time comes."

"But when?"

"Not until after you learn how to control your new abilities."

"I have to learn them fast. I can't stay here forever!"

I heard their voices and looked around, seeing if they came back for me.

"Oh no... Dark?"

"Yes Anti?"

"We let her down. Twice."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can hear them," I said.

"How," Light asked.

"I hear them in my mind. I have to see where they are and see them."

I imagined the house in the woods back at my town and there I was.

Dark and Anti were there as well. At last, I felt like I was home.

"Dark? Anti? It's me."

Dark turned around and looked at me.


I ran to him and he ran to me. We met halfway and hugged each other, not even letting go.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again," he said, "How is Lightiplier treating you?"

"He's treating me well," I answered, "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too."

Anti came to us and hugged me as well.

"I missed both of you very much," I said.

"I guess I was wrong," Anti said, "I should've believed with Dark... But I'm happy that you're back with us..."

"I was able to see my parents again..."

"Shouldn't you feel happy about that?"

"I was happy, but not as happy as I thought I would be... Even after twelve years and being with you guys, I missed you more than them."

"Wait, you really missed us?"

"Of course I did, you're like my new family..."

I started to cry, but I still held on.

"I wanted to come back just to be with you guys... You found me, brought me to your home and took care of me... You even found me as an important person, just like how my parents did... You gave me a chance, you made me feel like I'm home and you did your best to make me feel... Loved..."

Dark rubbed my back, trying to make me feel calm, safe and secure.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now