A Small Experiment

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We ran through those door and found Lucy standing in a corner, crying and scared.

"I know you're in here somewhere little girl," Wilfred called out.

"You take Lucy and get out of here," I told Sarah.

"No," she said, "You keep Lucy safe, I'm going to try and fight Wilfred so you two can escape."

"Are you crazy? He'll kill you!"

"This is what you did with me while we were trying to escape the house when it was on fire, this is a favor to return!"

I looked over at Lucy and back at Sarah.

"Okay," I said, "Please don't let him kill you. I love you very much."

"I love you too," she replied.

I picked Lucy up, carried her in my arms and then ran for it.

(Sarah's Perspective)

Now I was face to face with Wilfred.

"You think that you can stop me," he asked.

"Of course," I answered as I took out my pocket knife.

"Haha! A pocket knife? It's going to take more than that to stop me!"

I felt that same demon before take control of me and transform my looks.

I threw my knife to the floor and showed off my sharp claws.

Wilfred injected a syringe with pink fluid in his arm and ripped off his coat and shirt.

His muscles grew, his hair began to glow pink and he grew out demon wings like Dark's and showed them off. The wings were also glowing pink like Anti's.

"Mono e mono," he said.

His voice got deeper.

"Just how I like it," he finished.

"You were the one who kept my husband," I roared, "I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!"

(insert some heroic (or dramatic) music for this next part to make it more interesting)

Wilfred roared as well and swung the first punch.

I was able to dodge it as I kicked him in the jaw and then punched his face. He roared then threw his walking stick as a spear towards me, I avoided that and threw a statue of him at him.




I flew over him and pushed him through many walls as I screamed.

(Dark's Perspective)

I ran.

I only ran and didn't look back.

Luckily, I was able to find my way out of this maze and looked at Lucy.

"Are you okay sweetie," I asked.

"I'm scared Daddy," she answered.

"Don't worry, honey. Daddy's here for you... We should get you back home to Uncle Anti."

"What about Mommy?"

"I don't know, Lucy... Uncle Anti and I will be there for you."

I was about to start our way back to home, something made me fall over. I still held Lucy in my arms.

Then a swarm of shadow creatures flew over us and went to the mansion. Shadowplier appeared and looked over at us.

"Go," he said, "I'm helping by fighting back with my shadow army."


I got back up on my feet and ran, I didn't stop or look back.

"Who was that man Daddy," Lucy asked.

"He's helping us," I answered.

"I want Mommy..."

"Mommy will come back. I hope she does..."

(Sarah's Perspective)

I started to feel weak...

"No... No no no no no no no no! Not now!"

Wilfred was able to punch me off of his body and knock me to the floor. I couldn't move, I tried to get myself to move, but nothing worked.

I realized what was holding me down were metal cuffs around my wrists and ankles

The demon that was within me left my body and let me fall into this trap.

"Let me go," I roared.

"Aww, but why should I do that," Wilfred asked.

"Why did you let them escape? Why do you want me?"

"Only I ask the questions here, darling."

"You will let me go and go back to Darkiplier and Lucy."

"They don't know that your friend Anti is gone."

"What did you do to him?"

"Oh don't worry, he's right here with me."

I didn't notice that he stole the emerald necklace from my neck and held it up in front of my face.


"Anti! I'm so sorry..."

"Shh, it's okay. You did your best..."

"Hmm, this is a beautiful necklace... It would be such a shame if someone were to... Drop it."

"No! NO!!! DON'T!!!"

Wilfred slowly let it out of his hand and let it fall, he was able to catch it again, then he put it in his pocket.

"You see," he said, "Everything has a purpose for a reason..."

The floor lifted up, I realized it was now an operating table.

The room that we were in now showed many different types of tools and weapons, just like how it was in the house before it was burnt.

Then DNA and Bot approached behind him and glared at me.

"PewDieBot," Wilfred demanded, "Find a way to get his spirit out of this necklace so I can perform some experiments."

"Yes sir," Bot replied.

Wilfred placed the necklace into his hand and walked up to me.

"You my friend are going to help me create a new drug," he said, "A drug where everyone can be demons and have their own powers."

"I'm not a demon," I screamed, "I'm just a regular everyday person!"

"Right... But you will be when I make you take in the new drug."

"And then you'll just kill me?"


He twitched and took one of his psychostimulants. I saw an unnatural neon pink glow in his eyes as he pulled out a syringe with that same pink glowing fluid.

"I'm not gonna kill you... I'm just only going to hurt you... Very, very badly..."

"Touch me and you're dead..."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now