July 18th 2017 5:32 pm Kill me...

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damn me to hell. nothing like being yelled at for bs reasons on your birthday, am i right? and then being yelled at some more, and some more. it's like everyone hates me...wait, that's because everyone does hate me. then nothing like being sent to get bread from the gas station. and on your way there you start having a nervous breakdown. then on your way back you want to turn around and run, and never stop running, but it's as if something is pulling you to continue your torment. and all of this happening on your birthday. now replace all of the you's and your's with i and my. that was my day. i got yelled at more then usual and got yelled at some more, then sent by myself to get bread from a gas station. i wanted to run then. run when i had a chance, now i'll have to wait a long time before i can get another chance. damn me to hell. and never stop damning me when i'm in hell. i've stopped ignoring the voices, now they are back, and they are here to stay. the only good part of today was when jannessa wished me a happy birthday. today was no where close to happy. i'm sorry for wasting everyone's time. just kill me. get it done and over with before i do something stupid, again. Kill me.
they are back and they are staying.

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