March 12th 2017 8:57 pm

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I can't get this picture out of my head. I've been trying to find it all day. I don't want to say what the picture was, but a saw it yesterday on my sister's iPad. She was on google plus, and ever since I've seen that picture, I can't get it out of my head. If I can just find it.
One hour later
I can't find it. Okay, so this may come o a surprise to those of you who don't know me at all. (Everyone that follows me) But there is a single reason why I'm keeping IPassGas's My Little Pony books on here. I'm a... a... DAMNIT KEVIN JUST SPEAK! I'm a brony, there I said it. The picture was a Fluttershy picture and Fluttershy is my favorite one, no I don't have a crush on her, no I don't have any fantasies about her, I don't have any fan fictions about her and me, and no I don't want to do that! She's just my favorite pony, and this picture was cute. She was being held up by a pair of hands, and she looked like she was having fun. Ever since I saw that picture I can't think straight. I just want to find it, download it on my personal tablet, because the school iPads suck, and keep it for a long time. I seriously can't find that picture, and since I didn't catch the persons name that posted the picture I don't know what to search up on google plus. I hate these kind of things. By the time I find this picture it will probably be a year from now. I hate this cruel world.
About something other than My Little Pony, my problem. I have 12 math assignments missing. And I want to tell my teacher that she'll probably never get them. I can't work on them, and I certainly can't focus to do them. Even if I could tell her, I don't want to be in trouble. Cause I've been lying that I've been fixing my problem(s). Oh yeah about maybe three parts from here, I said I hadn't cried in like seven years, scratch that, I think two parts prior to that I wrote I was crying. Truth is I cry a lot, nearly all day I cry. Be it actually tears or holding in my crystal for help, I'm crying all day every day. And I can't stop it. I just want to leave and cry for as long as I can. Be alone for a day... thats what I should ask for on my birthday. To be alone, and not be disrupted. Not for food, be it cake, or anything. I'm not going to have it. Just twenty-four hours to myself... hopefully.
Have you seen/read the Harry Potter movies/books? In the first one Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone at the beginning, like the third chapter I think, they are on an island during Harry's Birthday, to escape the letters that are addressed to him, he is up all night, drawing a cake in the floor with his finger and blows out the candles as Hagrid comes in a says that Harry's a wizard. "Your a wizard Harry!" As you may know it. I just want something like that to happen. Not a ten foot guy coming into where I live and saying I'm a wizard. Something like it, but mildly different. Like my hands glowing blue, indicating that my made up substance is real and I have pure energy. Preferably blue, (you'll know why when I post the chapter the attributes are in). Well I better stop this now, I have a book to write.

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