July 2nd 2017 8:23 pm

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well i wont be able to continue Ocarina of Time. why? well james confiscated it, by that i mean he will be on my 3DS until he goes somewhere again. so that will be in maybe in never. he brings my 3DS with him where ever he goes. and when he sees me on my 3DS he pitches a fit. so the last two days were the only two days i'll ever get to play Ocarina of Time. and by the way, i got Ocarina of Time like two christmases ago, i think. and no no one bought it, it was from some charity thing if i remember correctly. yes, it was from charity thing. and i was never able to play it until two days ago. i hate these people.
my hands bleeding, not because of me writing. no it was from my tea. someone i don't know who, but who ever it was drank over half of my tea and sealed the cap on. so now my hand is bleeding and i cam taste some blood in my teeth. i don't know why though. so now i don't have a water/tea bottle, and a bleeding hand. it hurts to write. i hate these people. they are not a family to me, they never were.

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