June 28th 2017 pm

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i was right about that feeling yesterday. but my bad mood wasn't made by me, no it was made by these people that i love with. they aren't some stupid family. they hate me, why else would they yell at me every single day? but today was worse then most other days. i was woken up by bruce shoving me awake, i fall out of bed and my head hit the stupid desk. no one bothered to ask if everything was alright, why am i even saying this? it's abveous that no one would ask me if i was alright. hell they wouldn't care if i broke my neck! so after getting up off the floor i played some game, forgetting that they make me in an even worse mood. and guess what! they did! so all day was yelling at Kevin, these people favorite pass time. yell at Kevin and make promises that no one would keep. i'm going to do that damned puzzle by myself​next time the adults leave. just do it right in the middle of the floor and leave it there. show them what kind of pissed off teenager i can be. my day has been bad, very very bad. i hate these people. i wish they would just leave me alone and never come back. that would be a blessing in disguise. i hate these people and i hate my life!

The Life of Me pt.1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ