May 14th 2017 12:52 pm

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Happy Mother's Day... I guess. I know it's mother's day, I was forced to say it this morning. Emphasis on forced. I had no choice to say it when all I wanted was water. As soon  as I leave my room, instantly forced to say happy mother's day. Like my usual self, I said it just loud enough for them to hear it.
Y'all may be wondering on why I'm not too keen on giving my mother smiles and flowers and hug, or even coupons for one free hug. Well, let's just say she's not that... that kind to me. Now you must be saying, "Your lying you m-fer!" Well I'm not lying. Sure she's my mother, she supposed to be kind. But like every other living thing on this forsaken earth she's not the best person on keeping any promises. At best could ask to buy something on my tablet for four dollars (Talisman) and I could get it. I bet she didn't even bother to think about it. I did pay her five dollars in the real world though, so I guess that worked out... right?
Who cares? I've lost this good feeling for any day a long time ago. And I'm nearly fifteen. And I'm wanting death to come knocking on my door. I'm not going to last the end of high school. If I do then something is pulling me forward. Be it the hope to kill people, or the hope to wright a book. I don't know, and frankly I don't care. I've lost my meaning of life a while ago. But who cares for that? You all have your own lives to worry about, be it, "Is my hair okay?" or, "I want her number." Or some other stupid f-ing reason to live! I don't care! I never cared! Why should I care!? Try that for the next time you are pushed down! Left out alone! Not cared for! Or anything! Think about others for once in your life and not yourself!
I hope your happy that I'm suffering. You all are having a good laugh aren'tcha? You all are having a good time with the people that care for you. I'm alone while everyone else is having fun.
They most likely haven't thought about me. Why should they?

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