March 21st 2017 7:58 pm

45 0 0

I'm taking a poop right now. I've said alot of things. Like how it feels like I have no friends. Ya? Well it feels like every person is an asshole and doesn't know what "I'm not your friend, and I'll never be," means. They're all assholes who can't pay attention and the only reason they're in 8th grade is because they used all the smart people to do they're work. On test, they copy the answers from each other. Homework, wait until the next day to copy off of other people. And it makes me angry, to the point where I almost lose control of my mind,to the point when this other me, by the name of Demon Kevin, to break free and kill them all. I was lucky enough to calm my arm down all six times today. First time in advisor, first mod, this dumb person  who sits behind me, who so happens to be a girl, was complaining about something stupid. I don't remember what it was because at some part I couldn't hear, the only thing I heard was myself yelling. And even then it's still foggy. Second time during history, person behind me, another girl, keeps kicking my desk,not allowing to work. I've told her to stop kicking my desk multiple times, the only thing I get is an "What?" and is really making me crazy. Third time in algebra, dumb people in front of me never stop talking(at this point I'm hardly in control of my body). Fourth time during reading (or mod 6/7) when we're supposed o be reading, F**KING READ DUMBASSES! City time, typing, dumb black mid who sits to my left never does what he's supposed to do. We can't see are keyboards underneath the homemade covers(they're like a box thing) and all this dumb black kid does is have the keyboard cover away, and doesn't stop looking at the keyboard. Underneath build Skill he gets nearly 40 gwam (general words a minute) with 5 errors, while I have the keyboard cover on and I'm getting about 25 gwam, with 0 errors with the cover on. And I never talk and he keeps telling me to shut up when the teachers talking. And I never talk, unless spoken too by a smart individual. Like the teacher. Sixth time during last mod, dumbass Decasssdo or whatever his name is thinks he's so high and mighty, just wait u til the demon is unleashed, and then let's see who can fight and who can kill.
Anyway that's it, see ya.

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