Febuary 26th, 2017, 11:14 pm

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I haven't had any sleep, and IPassGas needs my sister to do him a favor, and in return she'll get her room back earlier in the day on both Saturday and on Sunday. I don't know how to express myself right now.
My brother wants me to waste all of MY money on a game I don't really want anymore. Is a fire emblem game, and I've grown tired of hearing how good the game is that I've lost all interest in the game. Why does he always have to babble on about something. Listen to me, I'm babbling about how my brother doesn't stop babbling on about a video game. My other brother is playing his Pokemon moon game underneath me right now. We share a room. I have top bunk since I'm so puny and small, besides if he were to get top bunk in the first few days, I'd be a pancake.
That's all I have for now. I'll come back if I have anything else to say.
Oh yeah I have a few others.
I have to create more of my book, yet I don't want to at the same time. It just takes so much time doing it, and during that time I'm bored, and I often take Tetris breaks. Each one lasting from ten minutes to an hour long.
Right now I just want to put on my jacket, and my shoes and burst through the door and run, run far away from my life, fun until I can't run no longer. I can't but feel like this is all there is to me. Nothing but me having to write down how I feel, because I can't talk to anyone, I can't talk to my 'family' or my 'friends'. Do I have a problem? Because if I do, then I need true help. My head is starting to hurt again, damned me. My head is always hurting. I hate myself, when I look into my past, all I see is the me hidden inside of me. Its always coming out at random.
Every once in a while it even shows its true anger. It true mindset. Why is it me? Why me? Why do I have to deal with this one other that sounds like ten, fifty, two hundred different people. I can't help but feel that no one even looks at me. I need help, I truly do. But how do I ask?

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