May 9th 2017 8:28 pm

45 0 2

My life is a downward spiral. Nothing but bad things happen. Only bad things. I'm supposed to have two egg babies right now for health, you guessed it, I never even started one of the. I hate my life. I truly do want to now why I am still living.
Right at the end of the last update, a person named Taylor (at least I think that's how you spell her name) asked me if everything was alright. I shook my head blame she asked if I wanted to talk about. I shrugged. I said I don't know why I'm still here, and she said that that wasn't the right answer. And yes I have been thinking of killing myself. She said that she tried it (or at least I think she said that, I could hardly hear her over the rest of the classroom) and that her mother was abusive and that's why she lives with her aunt (I think she said her aunt). She said that things would get better, and that I had to go through this bullshit. She even said that I might hear that alot, I have actually never heard those words directed at me, but I wasn't able to tell her that, she had to leave because of her broken foot.
It was then that I realized then that this world has a little amount of people who care for others.
If only I was able to say a few more things, maybe she would've been able to get me to stop crying. And I'm still crying, though it seems like my tears dried up. I hope that she'll talk to me again tomorrow, and maybe the day after that.
Now I know that there is little hope that I can turn my life around. I hope.

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