July 17th 2017 5:29 am

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do you talk to yourself? did you know that talking to yourself actually makes you sane? well it does says science. i talk to myself all the time. well less now since Jannessa talks to me everyday. but i still talk to myself. like now, i was in the bathroom and i kept talking to myself in the mirror. does tha sound dumb to you? well it doesn't for me. to me it's a part of my daily life. wake up and go to the bathroom to talk to yourself in the mirror. but i talk under my breath so there is no risk of waking someone up and having them yell at me. but yeah i was talking to myself in the mirror. it...gets very lonely here...
so not to long ago i was forced to play clash of clans for the third time. the first two times were in school both years that i had with the ipads. but james forced me to play it. i hate that game. for one i love games with a story. and if they don't have a story then they usually are survival games with a great open world, like minecraft. gut forcing me to play a game makes it worse. if your forcing me to play a game then...well...i'll give in quickly...because i can't stand up for myself...and well i'll play the game that your forcing me to play...like both bruce and james forced me to play a game on the computer. league of legends i think, but they forced me to play it and i hated it. i'm never playing that game again. unless if you or them force me to play it again. no one here knows who i am. they don't want to know who i am. they never bothered to remember anything about me and the certainly never bothered to even try to make me happy. i don't expect them to say "happy birthday" tomorrow. and i certainly don't expect to get anything. so i should just get myself something. i think we may be going to gamestop tomorrow, and i think they might have a game i want to play and have escaped spoilers for. it's called Alien Isolation. i have no idea what the story is, but i have heard that it's a good game, unlike Alien Colonial Marines, which sega actually lied about the game and when they showed it at E3 they showed a completely different game, with the same name. and the game is terrible. i've played it. but if you want a bad Alien experience​ then play it. wait, why am i saying i'll get myself something on my birthday, i mean if i do end up going to gamestop i'll be forced to but a 3 month xbox gold card with my 25$ gamestop gift card. and i'll be forced to use it,and i will never use it. i should put a passcode on my xbox live account, so if i do end up getting forced into gold no one can use it, 'cause when i make passcodes, they are just four random numbers, they have nothing to do with me, they're just 4 random numbers that i did at random. but to the two people that do read this, if you come across Alien Isolation for the Xbox 360 and if you'd want to get me a birthday present, that would be it. you don't have to get me anything, i mean i don't expect anything. i mean if you never got a birthday present in 10 years and your family forgets about your birthday and if you lost all hope for anything good to happen you wouldn't expect anything from anyone. and even if you get it i expect it to be a late birthday present. if anything else comes to mind then i'll be sure to say so. but as of right now all i want is Alien Isolation.

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