June 5th 2017 5:46 pm

15 0 0

I hate my cowardly nature. I want to someone, but then my fear of contacting anyone at a bad time hits me, leading me to not talk to anyone. Which then leads me to being bored and alone. If I could build up just enough courage to just call or even just text them saying "Can we talk?" would definitely make me feel better than what I am now. So then I'm always stuck waiting for it someone else to say something. Which usually are weeks apart. Like months not just two or three weeks. I have gone for three months without having anyone talk to me before. And I hated it. I feared that they forgot me. But with my cowardly nature I'll never be able to even just say "Hi" it gets very lonely. No matter how many times I click on their profile to just ask if we could talk, I'll never be able to do it. I doubt I'll ever be able to do it. *sigh*

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