May 27th 2017 2:13 pm

37 0 0

I don't know why this keeps happening to me. Earlier today I wrote thank you to all you readers. I was happy then. Now I feel like this world is fake. Like it's a dream. Like I never wrote anything down, like I'm in bed sleeping and this is all a dream. That I never met anyone that made me smile. In other words I'm down with the fallen again.
I really wish I had the willpower to make myself happy again, but I don't know why I'm down in the first place. Now I'm alone in my room  while everyone else is having a good time. If only I feel like I can make myself change, be my old self again. Great, now James is in here. If he bothers me again I'm going to lose it.
I just want to be alone in the house, either that or be somewhere else trying to have fun. I don't get me anymore. I stopped understanding me a while ago. Now I just feel sad. Like I could never be happy.

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