Part 97 - It'll be ok

Start from the beginning

"Why would Charlie want Yukine to be trapped back in the underworld anyway?" Yurio asked.

"I don't know that either. I'm so confused... but there has to be a reason!!!" Luna claimed.

"I just...! need to figure it out! Is this to do with the chemical? And even if it isn't, we're in danger!! Akira isn't gonna fight!! It's up to us to save the underworld!!" Luna declared.

"Uh. Wait- What??" Yurio gasped.

"I went to the underworld to confront Akira... to warn him about the chemical," Luna explained.

"But he...!" Luna trembled with frustration, recalling Akira's cruel words...

"I believe in you, Akira! I believe in this kingdom! So I'll fight for it with everything I have!!" Luna announced.

"That's the difference between us, Luna. Because I don't believe in either of those things..."

"He doesn't care about the kingdom... he won't fight," Luna told him.

"Akira's not gonna fight? But what if the underworld is in trouble?? Isn't this a little too dangerous to ignore?!" Yurio returned.

"Which is why we have to save them!! We have to get strong, Yurio...! We have to! We have to save the kingdom! We have to save Yukine!!" Luna let out.

"But... aghhh, how can I? I'm weak in the underworld. I have no control there! What am I supposed to do? This is so much bigger then us," she mumbled back.

"Well, maybe you don't need control of everything. If we can find out more about this plan... if there is a plan. Maybe we can figure out how to stop it... then that's something," Yurio tried to be optimistic.

"And anyway, this might be bigger then us, but we're all strong, right? We can get through it," he added.

"If I was strong, I could've kept a hold of him. Like he did for me...!" Luna drizzled with tears.

"I let him go, Yurio...!!" Luna wept while stroking her sleeve across her eyes.

"Luna, this isn't your fault," Yurio tried to comfort her.

"But it's not his either!! Yukine got dragged into this! It's not fair! He doesn't deserve to be all alone again!" Luna went on.

"None of us do. But we have to stay strong," Yurio encouraged her.

Luna held back her tears...

"I don't think I can... I feel so empty all of a sudden. I wanna help, but- I don't know what to do!" Luna cried, getting to her feet.

Yurio stood up too.

"It's gonna be ok!" Yurio threw his arms around her

"No, it's not!!" Luna snapped, pushing him away.

Yurio backed down with hesitation...

"... this- this feeling of helplessness...!! I keep fighting a losing battle! Will more keep being taken away from us until we have nothing left? Why can't I protect him?! Why can't I protect him when it's all I want to do?!" Luna yelled out.

"Well, now you know how I feel..." Yurio let out.

Luna gasped...

"What do you mean...?" she mumbled.

Yurio froze in panic.

"N-nothing... forget- I said anything!" Yurio backed down, cheeks burning up in a panic.

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