XXXVI- Safe Travels

Start from the beginning

Hermione stared blankly with confusion while Ginny simply had no idea what to think. Hermione quickly mumbled something extremely incoherent and unintelligible.
  "Speak up, Granger," Draco commanded impatiently.
  "C-Can I.... Can I hold her?" she stammered slowly, a tear in her eye.

Draco nodded slowly, with a confused expression on his face, carefully handing Diana over to a frightened Hermione. She took Diana carefully, as if she were made of porcelain.
  "I don't know if you can hear me," she sighed tearfully. "But I know you're in there, somewhere." She wiped away a couple of tears. "I just want you to know that we all love you, so much," she whispered to the sleeping Diana.

Draco just barely heard this, and almost began to break down as well. But he caught himself before he revealed to much of himself and lost his composure. He knew that he had to remain strong and cold, like ice. The way Diana had. He knew that it was what she would do in this situation. And he knew it was what his father would want him to do. Hmm, he thought. I never knew two completely different people, one often right, and one often wrong, could have the exact same opinion. He decided to leave Diana with Hermione for a while longer. She definitely deserved it, and Diana would be fine with it. Draco realized just how angry he still was with his mother for hiding his true lineage from him, and wished that he had Diana to talk to. She had always given him the most wise counsel. She was his best friend, and that was how she belonged; alive,well, and at his side. Not in this unnatural, frozen state between sleep and death. She didn't deserve that. As he thought about it more and more, Draco wished it was him that was in a coma, and not Diana. Her life was too precious; she was intelligent,talented,fierce, and strong. He was nothing, he knew. Sure, I may be a son of Zeus, but even I am so pathetic that I make that worth nothing, Draco thought. But then a voice interrupted him. 'Stop these thoughts at once, my son. You are not worthless, and your friend will not die. Have faith in yourself, or none will,' Zeus reminded him. That just about kickstarted Draco Malfoy's strength and rather inflated sense of self worth. He knew what was to be done. A while later, he woke to an impatient voice, almost yelling.
  "Wake up!" Ginny Weasley demanded.

Draco opened his eyes, realizing that the train had come to a stop, and that they were back in London. Draco figured that his father's godly voice in his head and his own exhaustion had put him right to sleep.
  "Let's go," he nodded, jumping up.

The trio, as well as the unconscious Diana, walked out onto King's Cross Station, unnoticed. No one seemed to care about two normal-looking twelve year-olds and an also normal-looking eleven year-old. They were just a bunch of tall kids to everyone else. He pulled out a map of London and found the airport which their next train tickets were for. It was maybe an hour's walking distance. It was thirty-five minutes by car, but the wizard and witches all agreed that they shouldn't trust someone enough to be alone in a car with them. And so, they walked. It was tiresome and painfully uneventful. But nonetheless, the trio made it with Diana the puppy to the airport. They showed their tickets and got onboard. They were only about five minutes early, which was much better than late. They were glad that they were easily able to smuggle Diana in, seeing as she was sleeping. Ginny was now holding on to her. The plane ride was long, very long, but it was bearable. Draco was actually glad that he was sitting beside Ginny, as opposed to some literally filthy Muggle. Hermione sat fairly comfortably beside a perfectly normal-looking old woman. Each of them had decided to sleep through the flight, seeing as they were all uncomfortable with sitting near a bunch of strangers. Although she tried, Hermione could not sleep. She squirmed desperately in her seat trying to get comfortable, but it was no use.
  "What time is it?" Hermione mumbled before finally falling asleep.
She checked her watch. 10:17 pm.  
  "Damn," she muttered.

Hermione was not looking forward to traveling in the dark. By the time they had reached New York, Hermione was woken up by the noise and excitement around her. She checked the watch again. 1:08 am. Hermione was annoyed by the fact that they really only had eight and a quarter sporadic hours of sleep, and even more annoyed by the fact that she had only sleep for five and a quarter. She made sure Ginny and Draco were both awake, which they were. Ginny had just been woken up by Draco, which neither of them particularly enjoyed. They all groggily got off of the plane.
  "We need a bathroom break," Ginny announced.

Hermione had nodded in agreement, and Draco certainly didn't object. He needed to go as well. Once the trio had finished, they headed out, where the old woman that had sat beside Hermione had been waiting for them.
  "Give her to me," she rasped in an inhuman and cruel voice.

Everyone tried to hide their fear, seeing as they knew exactly what she meant.
  "We don't know what you're talking about," Ginny said confidently.
  "Nonsense! The child of Bellona is with you, I can sense her!" the woman argued dismissively.

They all exchanged nervous glances. But Draco was no longer afraid. He knew what had to be done. This was a Fury.
  "Alarte Ascendare," he murmured, casting the hellish creature into the air.

She flew helplessly up into the air. Hermione had now realized exactly what was happening.
  "Bombarda," Hermione murmured, pointing her wand up at the Fury.

It burst into a million pieces, and the trio began their long walk to the east side of Long Island Sound with a sprint.
  "Come on, she won't stay down for long," Draco warned as they ran.

It was tedious and painful, but they all pulled through, for Diana, and managed not to accept help from strangers. They had already defeated the Fury three times in the past twenty minutes. Everyone was scared to death, but continued on anyways.
  "Hey, don't you worry that the Muggles will see us using magic?!" Ginny asked.
  Draco sighed. "Obviously not. There's a magical barrier preventing mortal Muggles from seeing monsters and demigods using magic," he explained impatiently.
  "Alright, fine," Ginny muttered.
"So, what did she do for you?" Draco asked.
"Excuse me?" Ginny asked.
"She does something for everybody. What did she do for you?" he repeated.
Ginny Weasley sighed fondly. "She gave me her book of indecent jokes."

After hours of nonstop walking, running, and fighting, the trio and Diana finally reached the east side of Long Island Sound. Hermione then put away her map of New York and fished out the map of the camp.
  "Hmm. The entrance should be about thirty yards from here," Hermione murmured.

At some point, they reached a large wooden arch with torches and Greek writing on top.
  "This is it," Draco nodded. "Nobody do anything stupid, now. Wouldn't want to get us all killed."

It was now almost six in the morning. Hermione checked her watch. 5:48 am. By now, everyone was bleeding and covered with scratches. Everyone but Draco was confused, seeing as all they saw was a simple strawberry field.
  "Don't follow me. Not yet."

Draco entered cautiously, and then turned to the arch and watched the barrier.
  "I, Draco Malfoy, give you, Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger, my permission to enter the camp!" he said quickly.

And the girls were allowed in. Most Mortals wouldn't have been, but they were allowed in since they were witches, and since Draco had allowed them in. They all rushed in quickly. They ran past some of the strawberry fields and a part of the river toward the big house.
  "Where's Chiron?!" Draco yelled.

The Girl Who Didn't DieOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara