It's A Small World...............................

Start from the beginning

Tamara: “what?!” *shocked*

Claire: “I‘m so sorry Tamara but you‘ll have to stay here for another week or so!! U okk?” *turning and smiling at her*

Tamara: “yeah I‘m fine!” *smiles..*

Claire: “look have any problems call me and I’ll see you later *gives her a card with her number on it!, walks to the door..*”

Tamara: “I will and Claire…could you ask if I could see Ray Ray ?”

Claire: “umm sure! See you later” *smiling and winking at her as she left the room………..*

Tamara: “bye…….” 

*the Claire had left… and ray ray came in the room..*

Ray Ray: “hey Tamara? Everything ok? Walter said u wanted to see me?” *walking in the room, slightly closing the door*

Tamara: “yeah… I just really needed a hug! :P”

Ray Ray: “awwww!” *walking up to her and giving her an hug then sitting in the chair by her bed!* “u ok?”

Tamara: “yeah! I‘m fine *smiling* so where is everyone? It sounds really quiet…”

Ray Ray: “ha yeah well Keisha Is sorting stuff for our concerts, Kenneth went out with Walter they had a meeting, roc and vicky are in his room :P I think Princeton is sleeping and prodigy is out with his girlfriend!”

Tamara: “what? Wait! Prodigy has a girlfriend?” *shocked and looking away feeling sad and maybe hurt?*

Ray Ray: “umm yeah! They have been going out for 3 weeks now?!” *looking at her face, her reaction*

Tamara: “oh… *sees ray ray looking at her* oh yeah! I think he mentioned it to me yesterday but I wasn‘t paying attention….well good for him!”

Ray Ray: “yeah…..” *moving his head?*

Tamara: “what? Don‘t you like her ray ray?” *looking at him*

Ray Ray: “what! No it‘s not like that! Well you could say that I do like her but prod got there first :P”

Tamara: “oh! Aww ray come here *hugs him* you‘ll findd someone ray!”

Ray Ray: “yeah I no! :P *smiling pulling away from the hug and sitting down again* well I sorta have one”

Tamara: “wait? U have a girl 2!” *kinda upset again!*

Ray Ray: “well yeah after prod started datin his girl I found one!”

Tamara: “oh! Lool no one told me u guys weren’t single …… your all taken?!” *hiding her feelings*

Ray Ray: “well now not really I‘ve been datin my girl Shai ;) for like 2 weeks, prod and Tanya have been together for 3 weeks and roc and vicky have been going out for 2 days now and Princeton…..he…”

Tamara: “what? What about him? It‘s ok to say his name I don‘t really care!” *looking at him*

Ray Ray: “well he‘s still single! He‘s just a player! He plays with every girl but for some reason I think he stopped :P”

Tamara: “I kinda guessed it :P why does he do it?” *looking at ray in confusion and concern*

Ray Ray: “I don‘t know! But I think it has something to do with his past…” 

Tamara: “oh…..right! So what‘s Shai like?” *smiling*

Ray Ray: “ha ha! She is just sooooooo pretty! And beautiful I love her she has the best personality and she loves! Domo! Me and her have domo hats!! :D she loves me and I love her :)”

Tamara: “awww! That‘s soooo sweet! I‘d love to meet her some day!” *smiling at him*

Ray Ray: “yeah!! I‘d love for you to meet her! U guys would be like best friends!” *smiling back*

*then the room was silent for like 50 seconds when…..*

Ray Ray: “umm Tamara….can I tell you something?” *looking down with his finger entangled, playing with them*

Tamara: “um sure ray! What is it?” *looking at him, watching him*

Ray Ray: “I…..I saw something yesterday….” *keeping his head down*

Tamara: “what did u see?” *still looking at him?*

Ray Ray: “I…..I well I was in roc‘s room with his prod and vicky then Keisha called me cause she still wanted to know who was a the door! Then about 20 minute later I went to the bathroom and I saw Keisha and Princeton by the sink and I saw red water and I think Princeton……….”

Tamara: *knows what he is talking about, but pretends she don‘t* “u think he what ?” (no ones knows about her and Princeton‘s talk last night)

Ray Ray: “I think he cut himself!” *looking at her*

Tamara: “u mean like he fell over?” *pretending*

Ray Ray: “n…no like cut himself….on purpose!”

Tamara: “what really? :P……….why don‘t you think he did it?”

Ray Ray: “I dunno :P Keisha said she would explain what was going on later but she never did!” :P *standing up*

Tamara: “oh right um…”

Ray Ray: “hey Tamara I‘ll be right back ok!?”

Tamara: “k” **smiles and he walks out…

*ray ray never did come back and later on that day around 17:35 Claire came back to talk to Tamara… they were talking………………..*

to be continued                         3 comments for more

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