46 | Wish

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"Today class, we will be talking about dreams! You guy are 3rd years, it's about time to start considering your future careers and wishes!" Koro-sensei said.

My future? That's something I rarely think about... Being the daughter of the Muramoto Clan, I would probably work like a normal person in the day, but as an assassin at night. Was there really any other option for me?

"What you wish to be and working towards it, it's very important to take that first step. But, we will delve deeper into that in a few months when you give me your future career survey. Anyway, lets carry on with a few literature stories and how they represent dreams..." Koro-sensei's voice trailed off as I started to think about what my life could have been if not for my family history.

A life without bloodshed... Would I be happy? I slumped my head onto the desk as my bangs covered my eyes.

Would I be able to be happy with someone? Would I experience love? I closed my eyes and slowly dozed off to sleep.


I was in a nice house with a warm and comfy atmosphere. I had my head rest on my arms on what seemed to be a dining table. I glanced around my surroundings. It looked like a normal house. Nothing much to take note of, but I was confused. Where am I? I thought.

Then I spotted a few photographs framed up onto a wall. I walked to them to take a look. I was standing in the photo with another person. But then again, I was not sure if it was really me. I looked grown up and as for the other person... I didn't recognize him at first, but...

Ding! The door bell rang. Unconsciously, I ran towards the door and opened it. Outside was the male in the photo. His red hair swaying in the wind. My mouth started to speak on its own, "Welcome home Karma." I even sounded weird, it sounded like I was really happy. But... That's Karma? His hairstyle changed and he grew taller.

"Yo, Haru-Haru," Karma smirked and greeted. His voice went deeper as well. Everything about this scene was so different, yet I did not dislike it. It was nice and I was happy.

But why is Karma here? And why do I feel so happy to see him?

"How was work today? You are back early," he asked.

"Simple enough. Karasuma did not have any missions for me so I did paperwork most of the time," I replied. "How about you?"

I'm not working as an assassin? This... must be a dream... I can't be this happy... But why with Karma?...

No... All this is way too good for someone like me... I don't deserve this... Someone like me who has blood on her hands...

Unless... Is this the alternate reality? A world where I am not an assassin?

Then I realized something. "Hari-chan... Where is she?" I asked, now able to control my own body.

"Haru-Haru, are you dreaming? Or did you forget?" Karma asked and looked to another direction. I glanced to what he was looking at and froze in fear.

There was a small shrine built with Hari-chan's picture framed up.


Why don't I feel upset?


The shock woke me up. What I dreamt of felt so terribly real. It was frightening to think about.

I Can't Kill Him [Akabane Karma]Where stories live. Discover now