26 | Faking Relationships

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"Yup, and I like to ask a favor of you. Would you pretend to be my girlfriend?" Karma asked.

I knew it! Something was up!

"W-Why?" I asked.

"I kind of told my mum I already had a girlfriend," he replied.

Is this because of the arranged marriage proposals? As much as I know how wrong it would be to fake a relationship with him, I found myself nodding in agreement.

"You will? Then it's perfect, dear~" he replied, rolling his tongue on 'dear'.

"But, if you lay one finger on me, I will kill you," I stated.

"Noted, dear~" He replied.


"You guys took a while," His mother commented, glaring at me. I gulped down a saliva and played the act of his girlfriend.

"Sorry mom, we were having a little fun," Karma smiled innocently as he served the plates of food to her. I placed the two plates of food on my side and Karma's side. I sat down next to Karma. The room was filled with awkward silence of us eating until his mother asked me. Karma's food were seriously good!

"How did you meet my Karma, Muramoto-san?"

"Um... Chiharu is fine, Akabane-san, and we are classmates," I replied.

"Oh? I hope he has not caused any trouble for you Chiharu-chan," she stated.

"He does not cause that much trouble for me, just some time to time," I replied bluntly.

"Haha, honest, aren't you? I am aware of my son's behavior and trouble seemed to always be around him. How are your grades?" She asked.

"Haru-chan was ranked 7th for the last examination," Karma replied for me.

"Hmm? Pretty and smart I see... You are pretty good for our Karma and I know that the Muramoto family is a prominent old family so you have quite a status," she muttered, but in such silence who wouldn't be able to hear? I quickly finished my meal and excused myself from the table for the restroom to freshen up.

Karma's mother was all right,  I guess. She was a lot different from mine at least...


"You stupid good for nothing! We will be better off without you! You couldn't finish your assignment and almost let the target get away? Your sister is so much better than you!" She would slap me, kick me and lock me up with no food as punishment. Was she always like this?

I say no, she was once a very caring mother, but after our grandparents death, she's changed... Alot. I still remember briefly how she would read me and Hari-chan stories before we slept, played hide and seek with us and baked delicious cakes for us. She was so kind, yet how did she become twisted and such an abusive mother?

I found tears trickling down my cheek.

"Tears cannot be shed by any member of the Muramoto family, you hear me?" Telling someone not to cry is as if you are telling her to stop being human. The first thing a baby does as a sign of being alive is to cry, what's so wrong about it? I want to be a human...

"You are a monster. You have blood on your hands. You've killed thousands since you were a child. How can someone like you even get to be a normal human being after all the sins you've committed?" My reflection seemed to be telling me these.

I gritted my teeth and muttered. "I don't know... I don't know... I just want to be free..."

I glare at the mirror and saw Hari-chan in my reflection. We looked identical in every way, but our personalities and skills differed greatly. Mother was fond of her combat abilities and neglected me for being unable to throw a proper punch or kick. Hari-chan got the neglection of our father who preferred machinery over hand to hand combat.

I Can't Kill Him [Akabane Karma]Where stories live. Discover now