24 | Lost in Thoughts

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"Koro-sensei?" I muttered. "What are you doing?"

"Kya! How did you-" Koro-sensei shouted, until someone pushed a big prop onto him and he shut up, continuing to look dead. Chance! I took my gun... Wait, where did it go?

I glared at the red idiot, who was holding in his amusement of my scream. "Did you take my gun?"

"Of course not, the staff did," Karma replied.

"Right..." I muttered.

If Koro-sensei is here... Does that mean this is a game created by our classmates? So they took our weapons so even if Koro-sensei is vulnerable, I can't kill him and take the bounty or kill Karma with the advantage of being in a dark room. How cruel...

"Hey Karma, why are our classmates being so selfish?" I asked.

"Selfish?" He asked. "Where did you get that from?"

"They took away my guns and now I can't kill you for taking me in here or Koro-sensei," I replied.


Karma burst out laughing at Haru's denseness.

"Why are you laughing? I am really angry at them okay?" I stated in an irritated tone.

"Nothing at all~ Come on, we have to continue moving so we don't hold up any queue," He replied and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the next room, following the arrow signs. There were more and more 'blood' and other props that were supposed to scare us.

Honestly, I have seen worse during my assassinations. Blood and dead corpse are nothing. I outgrew that fear along with my fear to kill.

All that's left is the burden of all the people I have killed lying on my shoulders. I can't help but think that if I wasn't alive, all these people could have been saved. But then again, they would have just became targets of other assassins and most of them were corrupted government officials or greedy rich bastards.

I only know how to kill, but ever since I joined 3-E, it felt like everything was changing for me.

"Yoo hoo~ Karma to Haru-Haru~"Karma chimed, breaking my thoughts. "What are you thinking so deeply of? Oh! Could it be me?"

"In your dreams, bakabane-kun," I replied. "I was thinking about some stuff..."

"Like?" Karma asked, leaning in closer to me.

"Nothing you need to know," I sighed. "Get away from me. What's next anyway?"

We were in a room that had a large bookcase, also some other props laying around. It looked like the amateurish work of a designer making an office where the top ranks in companies work. There was also clearly someone seating on the chair facing back at us.

"The murderer of that man was..."The chair spun around and there sat Hazama-san. I don't really interact with her much, but she loves reading and scaring people from what I heard. Boy, will this be interesting. "was one of you!"

"It was me," Karma played along jokingly.

"This is stupid," I commented. "Just give me back my-"

Karma cuts me off by covering my mouth. "And she was my accomplice."

"Use this chance," he whispered into my ear.

Use this chance? What does that mean? To get away from them?

"Oh? Confessing to you crimes this early in the game?" Another voice said. It was Fuwa-san. She is an avid manga reader. She came out from the shadows, cosplaying as Osamu Dazai without the wig and added a detective hat to it.

Yes, I know the anime, Fuwa-san was extremely into it for a while and forced some of us to watch it with her and as an assassin, it is required that I know of such stuff so I can interact with peculiar targets and make them lower their guard. And I guess... I fell in love with anime...

"Interesting choice of cosplay, Fuwa-san. Dazai from Bungou Stray Dogs, right? Awesome anime, huh," I said, going back to acting as who I was before I revealed myself.

"Why thank you Haru-chan! Dazai-san is such an awesome person! I just-" She replied and I cut her off with a clap, rending her motionless for a while. I don't intent to harm my classmates, but... This place is starting to give me the unwanted nostalgia of my days as an assassin.

As for the clap, I learnt it from Lovro-sensei, he said my gun skills are not enough. There are times when you run out of bullets and my sister would be too busy to help out, therefore other assassination techniques are important to learn as well. He taught me all about the claps and all methods that can render targets motionless and weak, giving me a chance to take the kill.

"Sneaky Haru-Haru," Karma commented. I glared at him and sighed, "Let's just go."

"What an unexpected spin of events!" The announcer exclaimed and this time it was obviously Koro-sensei. "Our two protagonists have admitted to killing me and now they find themselves on a rooftop about to confess!"

Wh-What? What is with this sudden progress in this weird story?

The set changed to a rooftop at mach 20. Who knows how?

But the rooftop... It's been a year, hasn't it... Since the last mission of the Chi Sisters...

I found myself walking closer the closer to the edge.

I wonder what would happen if I jump off? Just like that day.

"Haru-Haru?" Karma called out to me, but I didn't hear him. I was lost in my thoughts.

Just another step and I would be falling...

I took that step and everything flashed in front of me.

"It's scary... Haru-chan!" Hari-chan's voice resounded in my head.

"What the hell are you doing?" Karma shouted and jumped off along with me.

She had tried sliding down with me, but her balance was off and she was crashing down.

She was afraid of heights...

Karma tried to catch me mid air, I visualized him as Hari-chan and unconsciously reached out.

"Onee-chan?..." I muttered. I started to cry a little.

"It's all in your head. You can get out of this Haru-nee."

Karma finally managed to grab me, he pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. He turned it that his back would hit the ground instead of mine. We landed on something soft and sticky and yellow. It was Koro-sensei. He saved us.

He reverted back to his normal self and we landed on the ground. Everyone came over to ask if we were okay.

I wiped away my tears and said I was all right and apologized to all of them. They put in so much effort in this game, but I just ruined it.

"What did you think you were doing?" Karma asked in an angered tone. He was different from his usual playful self.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered.

"You could have died!" He shouted.

His tone was so unlike him, that is scared me... This side of him kind of scared me a lot. It reminded me of my father, except I know that he is doing this cause he cares.

"I'm sorry..." the tears I thought I managed to wipe away came flowing back. "I'm sorry... I'm very very sorry..."

I was just... So lost in the thoughts of Hari-chan.

A/N: I promised, didn't I? XD Here it is~ Next chapter: We will be seeing someone's mother :3

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