2 | New Student

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"Good morning. My name is Muramoto Chiharu. Nice to meet you!" I greeted my new class. They all have smiles plastered on their faces, they seemed so different from the classmates I used to have. However, I saw through their smiles. They had this lingering hatred and fear in their eyes. Not surprising however, as I was a student from Class 3-A, but I don't really care about mocking them, after all they did nothing wrong.

I faced my new teacher. He did look like an octopus and I had to kill it. Since this is a solo assassination, I have to first go undercover and not make any movements. It is to prevent any suspicions. My cover was now a sweet and quiet girl, no one should suspect me to do anything. Adding onto that, I came from Class 3-A, they will just think of me as some smart kid who just happen to be forced into Class 3-E.

"Nice to meet you Chiharu-chan, your seat will be that one in the back," Koro-sensei said.

"All right!" I replied and went to the back and sat down.

Perfect. The back is the perfect place to analyze all my classmates.

I glanced around and took notes in my head. Though, Karasuma had given me a rough data of every student in the class, including their appearance and their personality.



Yūma Isogai

Isogai has somewhat spiked black hair with two small hair antennae at the top and pale gold eyes. Isogai is a kind, cheerful, and reliable person. He is modest, not at all boastful, and helpful. Isogai has been noted to have good leadership qualities and personal virtues, and due to that he's able to see all the individual strong points in his classmates. Because of these traits, he is considered to be an ikemen, which not only means handsome, but can also imply a flawless personality.



Taiga Okajima

Okajima has short, black hair in a butch cut and thick eyebrows. Okajima is the class pervert and is rather open about it.



Hinata Okano

Hinata has short brown hair and light purple eyes. Her hair is the shortest among all the girls in 3E. Okano was often shown to be serious with a relatively neutral expression.



Manami Okuda

Manami has black hair, styled into twin braids that reach just below her shoulder and lavender eyes. She wears glasses and has a more petite frame than most of the girls in Class 3-E.



Megu Kataoka

Kataoka is a tall girl with long, gray hair kept in a ponytail with a fringe of shorter hair over her forehead. This combined with her personality and talents earned her the title "Ikemeg." Kataoka is a kind and capable person with very strong leadership skills which has been noted several times in the series. She's level-headed and rational and as a result is good at keeping everyone (namely the boys) in line. She was said to know how to take care of others, however, in the past, she allowed others to rely on her too much.



Kaede Kayano

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