16 | Kidnapped

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"But you know, once we gotten to Kyoto, I forgot all about the assassination," Sugino commented. "I mean, it's such a great scenery, like a place completely unrelated to assassinations and stuff like that."

"In reality, it;s the complete opposite, Sugino," I replied. "Kyoto is actually... Where I had my first assassination job."

"I'd like to take a little detour. It's rights near that convenience store," Nagisa said and we followed Nagisa. There was a huge pillar with words on it.

"That says... Sayamoto Ryoma, doesn't it?" Okuda asked.

"The site of the old "Omiya" where the 1867 Ryoma assassination occurred," Nagisa replied. "Plus, if we walk a little further, we reach Honnou-Ji. Back then, it's location was a bit different though."

"That's right, in 1582, Oba Nobunaga was also assassinated in a way. Even though it's the space of a mere 1km or so, some incredibly big names have been assassinated here. If you include the lesser known assassinations too, there must be too many to count," I replied. "This city was always the heart of Japan... And yet it is an assassination holy ground."

I thought of the garden outside my parents house where most of their assassinations were carried. It stinks of blood.

"I get it~ If you put it that way, this is really the perfect Assassination Trip and Koro-sensei who had became the assassination target and who just may have such a serious impact on the world that it will be destroyed is the ideal mark."

"Next is Yasaka Shrine-" Kayano said, but got cut of by Karma.

"Eh... Enough already. Let's rest. I want to drink Kyoto's sugary-sweet coffee," Karma whined.


"Hehh, if you go this deep into the Gion District, there's really no signs of life," Kayano commented.

"Yup, that's because it's only made up of shops that turn away first-time customers. The people who come here don't aimlessly wander around so we won't have to work around them. that's why it was the route I wanted. It's just right fort an assassination, isn't it?" Kanzaki asked.

"As expected of Kanzaki-san, your preparations are perfect!"

"Then, I guess we'll carry out the plan here."

I suddenly felt a bunch of big presences coming our way. I glanced to the two openings and saw huge teenagers walking our way. I put my hand into my bag and grabbed my gun.

"It really is just perfect. Now why would you walk in an area like this, where abduction is a piece of cake?" the teenagers asked.

An abduction?! Unforgivable.

"Eh?!" Everyone shouted when they noticed them.

"What's up gents? Well, you don't seem to be here for sightseeing," Karma said.

"All you boys have to do is leave the women here and go home," they said.

I glared at them and frowned.


I lost it and shot him. Karma seemed to have been thinking the same thing and slammed one of the teenager's head into a pillar.

"See, Nagisa-kun? If there aren't any witnesses, then there's no problem even if I fight," Karma said.

"Got that right," a teenager's voice suddenly said and hit Karma's head with a metal pipe.

"Karma!" I called out.

Wait, why am I... Worried for him?

"This place really is well-hidden. Oi, grab the women," the teenager who it Karma said. I started to shoot the teenagers that charged after me.

I Can't Kill Him [Akabane Karma]Where stories live. Discover now