35 | Island Time

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We were heading to the assembly back in the main campus. It was the first semester's closing ceremony. We were the first ones outside the place. Second to arrive were Asano and the rest of 3-A. As usual, he was looking without a care for the world.

"Oho~ Finally shown your face, have you, oh great and powerful student council president?" Terasaka said.

"I assume you have some business with me," Asano replied as he glared daggers at Terasaka's smug face. "However, with the closing ceremony preparations, I don't have time to waste on Class E." He brushed passed us, but Terasaka caught hold of his shoulder.

"Hey now, hold up there. Aren't cha forgetting something?" Terasaka asked.

"Asano, we had a bet, you know. Whichever class had more #1 rankings among the 5 subjects could make one request of the other," Isogai said. "I emailed you our request a little while ago, so I guess you have no problems with it?"

"You guys were the ones who came up with the 5 subject wager. At this point you're definitely not gonna claim you were just screwing around, right?" Terasaka asked. "And her, you can stick Home Ec or whatever else you want in those 5 subjects. We still win though. Heheh."

Asano clucked his tongue and nodded, then entered the main hall. We, 3-E followed after them and stood in line at the end of the columns.

"It's rare to see you coming to a school wide assembly Karma," Isogai commented. I stood behind Karma so I could hear their conversations.

"You see, if I skipped out now. It'd be like I was running away and I'm not too keen on that," Karma replied. I could not help but stifle a small giggle. He turned around and glared at me for a moment, then smirked and asked, "Haru-Haru~ Mind telling me why you are laughing?"

I immediately stopped and sweatdropped. He looked like he was about to murder me. Is it weird that I am afraid of this target of mine? I shook my head in reply and kept silent for a long while. Everyone was gathering and the teacher went up on stage and started his speech.

"Erm..." He seemed a little hesitant. "Even though it's Summer Break, don't neglect your studies... So you don't end up like Class E."

How stupid... I giggled again and smiled. We were the ones beaming in pride and the rest of the students were looking down in shame. The "bottom dwelling bad examples" had won the battle for the top.


"Hari-chan..." I muttered as I stared at my lying sister. She appeared a little paler, however, the doctors said she will live. Whatever was threatening her life was gone. I sighed in relief.

All I need in my life is for her to wake up. Once she is awake, everything will return back to normal. "Hari-chan, I will be away for a bit. We have another school trip. I wish... You could join us... 3-E is really fun, I never had such fun before... I wish you could join us... As soon as possible..."

My phone rang so I quickly took it out from my pocket to check who it was. The caller was Kayano. I answered it and placed my phone against my ear. "Hello?"

"Haru-chan. Where are you? The boat leaves in 30 minutes," she asked.

"I already said I was not going. I have something on, sorry," I replied.

"Ah! Right! That's too bad I guess... Bye..." She hung up. I sighed as I gripped on the luggage handle in front of me.

"I'm not going there for fun..." I muttered. "I'm sorry guys..."



"What did she say?" I asked.

I Can't Kill Him [Akabane Karma]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum