20 | Going to Hawaii?

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"Hey... Is Haru-chan all right?" Kaede asked. "She has been restless since that Master Lovro came and for some reason, she keeps glaring at you..."

"Hmm? Maybe she has finally learned how much she loves me," Karma replied with a smirk.

"I don't think that is the answer," Kaede sweat dropped in reply. Then walking back to her seat.

But, seriously. What was up with Haru-Haru? For the past few days, she has been giving me the silent treatment and glares. Her eyes are dodging everywhere, almost as if making calculations. But calculations for what? There have also been slight signs for a bullet coming for me. Could she be trying to... Assassinate me?

An amused smile formed on my face and I took my phone out, sending a message to the little assassin.

Challenge accepted.



Ding! I was on my way to class when I heard a message come. I took my phone out and flipped through the messages. One of them from the red idiot of a target.

I have been trying to assassinate him for the past week, however, my efforts were futile. I felt like I was holding back because he was a classmate, but why?

There should be no reason for me to do so, as a matter of a fact, I should be all so happy to, seeing as he has been nothing but a nuisance. He is getting me further away from saving Hari-chan, killing him would bring me closer. So why I can't I? Why can't I kill him?

I eyed his message.

To: Muramoto Chiharu
From: Akabane Karma

Challenge Accepted. Meet me during lunch behind the school.

What did he mean by challenge?


"What did you want?" I asked the crimson-haired boy.

"I would like to know why you want to assassinate me," he asked with an innocent smile.

I kept silent. I was not obliged to answer such questions from targets.

"Haru-Haru~ please reply me," he whined.

"Very well..." I replied I thought maybe it was not wrong to keep it from him after all. "You are my target."

"Eh? So that is how it is like..." Karma replied with a smirk curving on his face. "I thought it would be something like that so that is why I suggested that we have a challenge."

"A challenge?" I questioned. I never quite got what he meant by it.

"Like, for example, what if I was to be able to escape your assassinations. You will do something for me," Karma replied with a smile that spelled mischief.

"And what if I win?" I asked.

"I am dead and isn't that your job?" He replied.

"Still, this is a challenge, so it isn't really fair if I have little benefit if I win," I replied.

"Hmm, then what about this. I will tell you everything about me if you win in a letter and ask someone to give it to you if I die. Like for example... If I am in love with you," He replied. I gave a while to consider. There was not much of anything you could do with such information, however, I found myself nodding in agreement. Ugh, why won't my body do as I say nowadays?

I Can't Kill Him [Akabane Karma]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن