44 | Family Reunion

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Home... It's been a while since I have been here...

I glanced up as I stared at the house. Hari-chan pressed the doorbell and I heard a familiar voice speak, "Who is this?"

"It's me, Jax," Hari-chan laughed as she said. "I'm back~"

"Chihari?!" Jax choked. "Holy- Is Chiharu there too?"

"Yup! We are both back!" Hari-chan exclaimed excitedly. "I can't wait to meet mother and father!"

Well, I'm not.

"O-okay... I'll open up now," Jax said and the gates opened up for us. I sighed and looked solemnly at the house. I could see it. The white walls painted of blood, the agonizing cries of corpses and the stained hands of our family. The unbelievably heavy burden that we carry as assassins. We were born to kill, kill our victims like dogs. We are to followed this bloodstained road and there are no crossroads. We aren't allowed to choose, we follow orders. I sighed again. I hated this.

"Haru-nee?" Hari-chan grabbed on my hand and smiled. "Shall we go greet our parents?"

Our parents... "Yeah." I say with a heavy heart. I'm sure we will have a blast.

Hari-chan dragged me into the estate and we headed to the entrance as she admired the exterior of the house. "It hasn't changed a bit! As expected of mother! Always so particular!"

Really? I paid no attention to such details. After all, I was always locked in a dark place.

"Haru-nee!" Hari-chan shouted out my name and grabbed both my hands. She looked directly into my eyes and I stared back into hers. She had a look of determination in her eyes and a smile of triumph as if we had already won. "I bet our parents will be glad to see us again."

"They will?" I muttered.

"Yup so there's nothing to worry about!" She assured me with her smile. I sighed. What's up with me? I'm supposed to be the older sister.

I nodded and smiled. "Of course Hari-chan."

My hands opened the door firmly with the confidence my sister gave. The doors open slowly and softly. Inside was dark and silent.


I heard the faint sound of a trigger from the right, but it still came as a shock to me. Hari-chan quickly sliced the bullet away using her dagger hidden under my skirt. With swift precision she shot her dagger towards the gun and knocked it out of the guy's hands. As she switched o the lights and went and grabbed the fallen gun. The guy was one of my father's underlings, he was gripping on his guts where the dagger pierced through, wincing in pain.

I shot him in the heart and head to end his suffering. My father probably would have done the same anyway, for not beating us.

"Pathetic," I heard a familiar voice resound in the room. We looked up and came face to face to the father who raised us so dearly. Hari-chan grabbed my hand and pulled me down to a kneel.

What was she doing?

"I'm back dear father," Hari-chan greeted.

"Why is scum like you showing your face in this household? I have no need of a daughter who almost died in a simple mission like that," our father yelled. His words sounded like knives poking at my back, ready to pierce me at any time.

I gulped and glanced at Hari-chan. What was she planning? We could have ran away and never have to do with this family again. Forever running away and in hiding. Far away from this dreaded house.

"Father, are you sure you want to outcast me like that?" Hari-chan asked as she gets up. "I've heard of what you've done to Haru-nee. Loading her with work, abuse, and pain. More than you've ever would if I was around. Working her to death like that, if you outcasted me and killed her. Who would carry on the family name?"

Our father gritted his teeth and scowled. He glared at us with the meaning to kill. Our mother stepped out of the shadows as she sighed, "Stop dear. The two of them have reunited and now maybe Chiharu will get that job of hers done."

"Akabane Karma right? Are you really all right with killing your friend's son, mother?" Hari-chan asked.

"It's a job, follow your orders," Mother said sternly as she narrowed her gaze at us. I got up and stood next to my sister as she smirked. "Of course."

"A question, mother, and father," I spoke up. "Who hired us to kill Karma? And can we reject it?"

"Do you harbor feelings for that target?" Mother questioned.

"Of course not mother," I replied nervously.

"Then you have no reason to know," Mother replied.

Well, my plan to kill the people who hired us flopped. Maybe then I did not have to kill Karma and have the easier way out. The only other way is to kill our parents because then we would be in charge instead. But did I really want to be in charge of this clan?

"Leave." Our father said sternly and we did as we were told. We swiftly walked out of the house and the gates. I was relieved to be out as I hated everything about that house. I really did not like being with my parents that much. They gave off a murderous vibe and Hari-chan got hers from them. They seemed like the perfect family and I did not fit anywhere in this assassin and cold hearted family. I had to deceive myself to become like them, but a fake like me could never match their standard.

Once we were out of the gates and on the way home, I asked Hari-chan, "So why did you want to go visit them?"

"Well it's only polite since I am released from the hospital," she replied. "I wanted a family reunion I suppose. Did you like it?"

I sighed at her answer. "Well you did give me a scare, I was afraid father would charge at you and kill you. You have only just been released, don't put too much of a strain on your body."

"Always the worrier huh Haru-nee."

"I can't help it, I am your older twin sister."

"So how about killing Karma later?" She asked out of the blue, shocking me. I could not reply her. I kept silent and averted my eyes away.


"Just kidding. We can do it another time. I bet you are tired after today. Let's just head home, I can't wait to get the taste of your home cooking again. Oh god I missed that so much!" She cheered.

I sighed and nodded.

Yeah, later...

(A/N: Yes! Done! Sorry guys for the delay, I've been really busy and caught up with a lot of other things so my time to write has really been cut short. I can't promise you that the next update will be any time soon since school's starting soon, but it would at least be out by the next two months. Sorry!)

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