21 | Ally or Foe?

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Something about that guy from yesterday bugged me a lot... How did he know I had guns in my bag? My eye twitched in irritation as I recalled the scene he ate my candies. How infuriating!

"Karasuma-sensei has told all of you that there's a transfer student coming, right?" Koro-sensei asked.

"Oh yeah. Well, it's really just an assassin, though," Maehara replied.

"When Ritsu first came. I underestimated her and had a dreadful experience, so this time, I'll be on my guard. In any case, I am truly happy that your number of comrades-in-arms is increasing," Koro-sensei said.

"Come to think of it, do you know anything about them, Ritsu? As a fellow assassin transfer student, I mean."

"Yes, a little," Ritsu replied. "In my initial orders... 'He' and I was scheduled to enter this class simultaneously. By combining my long range shooting and his close quarters combat, we would drive Koro-sensei to a corner. However, those orders were cancelled for 2 reasons."

"Heh... What were they?" I asked, getting a little interested in the topic. The combination reminded me of the days I had with my dear sister, Hari-chan, she would fight at close range, while I would be shooting from a distance. The skills were compatible and we were practically unstoppable.

"Firstly, his adjustments took longer that had been expected. And secondly, I was overwhelmingly inferior assassin compared to him," Ritsu replied. "My abilities are insufficient to serve as his support and so, I learned we would each commence an assassination separately and I, who was significantly inferior, was shipped off first."

There was a moment of silence with fear and curiosity in everyone's eyes.

For Ritsu who blew off Koro-sensei's finger to be given such treatment... Just what sort of monster is heading our way?

Then, footsteps were heard and the door opened, a man dressed in white stepped in. Everyone twitched and felt uneasy until he magically made a dove appear. He greeted, "Sorry I must have frightened you. I, however, am not the transfer student. I am his guardian so just call me 'Shiro'. Well, I'm dressed entirely in white."

"If someone suddenly comes in wearing white clothes and does slight of hand, it's pretty startling," Kayano said.

"Yeah, anyone but Koro-sensei would be..." Nagisa said then looked towards Koro-sensei who was liquefied at the corner of the ceiling.

"Why the hell are you so scared, Koro-sensei! And enough to use your secret liquefication skill!"

"W-Well... What Ritsu-san said was frightening so..."

"Just get down already!" Karasuma-sensei shouted and Koro-sensei did as he was told in his non-liquefied form.

"Nice to meet you, Shiro-san and what of the transfer student himself?" Koro-sensei asked.

"It is a pleasure Koro-sensei. Since there are quite a number of peculiarities to his personality, I intend to introduce him myself, if I may," Shiro said handing Koro-sensei a present.

Shiro glanced over all of us. For some reason, I felt like I know him from somewhere. His voice, his actions and fake personality felt familiar, yet I could not remember from where exactly.

"Is something wrong?" Koro-sensei asked.

"No. You all seem to be good children. Thus, it appears you will have an easy time befriending that boy, as well. That seat over there is fine, right, Koro-sensei?" Shiro asked.

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