22 | A Date?

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"You are a failure!"

"How could you let your target be stolen by an outsider!"

You will be punished!"

The little girl cowered in a corner and begged for mercy. "No... Please... I'm sorry!"

"Sorry won't save you, dear. It never does."


I woke up, panting. I glanced around and saw the familiar faces of my classmates. They all had worried looks on their faces.

"Haru-chan, are you okay? Your face seems a bit pale..." Kayano asked in a concerned tone.

"You were also fidgeting a lot and mumbling for someone to stop in your sleep," Kanzaki said.

"I am fine..." I replied with a half smile.

"It was quite hilarious. I caught it on my phone if you want to see," Karma teased.

"No thank you!" I shouted at him sharply, glaring daggers at him.

"Thank god, you scared us when you fainted like that earlier," Isogai sighed.

"We were really worried!" Kurahashi said.

"You are a failure!" The words ran through my head repeating over and over again like a broken radio.

"Haru-chan, are you okay?" Maehara asked.

"I am so sorry everyone..." I said. "How long was I out?"

"About an hour or so. Itona and Shiro left, defeated, so Koro-sensei is fine, don't worry," Nagisa replied.

Hearing that puts me at ease. I replied with a smile, "Thanks guys. I need I will go for a walk..." I got up slowly from the bed and started to walk through the crowd of classmates.

"Should we come with you-"

"No, it's okay. I would like some time alone... Please..." I replied. They looked hesitant, but stayed in the room. "Thanks a lot."


I walked out towards the forest and sat on the ground. I took my pocket gun out and laid down. It was just too stuffy for me in the small infirmary. It feels better when you are surrounded by nature. The pocket gun is just for safety in case of any outside assassins or scary animals.

So... I am a failure huh...

"Haru-Haru~" The familiar annoying voice disturbed my peace.

"What do you want Karma?" I asked in irritancy.

"I believe you wanted a walk, not a lay," Karma teased. "Especially in the wild. You are in a really vulnerable position, you know that?"

I scoffed and shot a bullet at him. Lucky for him he dodged it, but unlucky for me, he jumped up and landed on top of me.

"Get off me!" I shouted angrily and tried pushing him off, but he was too heavy for me to push.

"No thank you~" He teased and stuck his tongue out. "I think I will enjoy seeing your facial expressions for a while. It is quite an amusement from what I seen you do in your sleep."

"Get. Off." I said sharply. My heart was beating really fast. His face was really close and I could feel his warm breath breathing against mine. I blushed, but to be honest... I was scared... I had never felt like this ever in my life. Was it embarrassment? Or entirely something else? Whatever it was. It made me really scared, to top it off I was already having some flashbacks from my past. I felt like I could burst in tears and cry like a little child at any moment...

A small droplet escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. Then another... And another. Karma was shocked and got off me. I got up into a seating down position and tried to wipe off my tears, but they kept flowing.

"Did I scare you?" Karma asked.

"Y-Yes," I sniffed. I wonder how long it has been since I cried... Oh right, not too long ago. What has been with my emotions these days? It has been like this ever since I met him... It is like my emotions are becoming a mess with him around... Just like how it is with Hari-chan...

"I'm sorry," Karma replied and hugged me. "Do you feel better?"

I nodded meekly, muttering, "Yeah..."

He let me go and smiled. "Why not we go on a date?"

"A date?" I inquired. "What's that?"

"Now that is amusing, you will see tomorrow. I will pick you up outside your place tomorrow morning, don't you be late!" Karma replied.

"Wait! We have school tomorrow!" I protested.

"We are skipping," He replied.

"Okay..." I replied. For some reason, I felt like I could trust him...


Hey... Here is a question... What do people wear on these dates? I asked Ritsu and she told me to wear whatever looks nice and presentable. Well, that was one of the options, the other options had to do with me wearing revealing clothes and that is one big fat 'NO'.

I sighed as I looked through my closet, looking for a comfortable shirt and shorts I could wear. In the end, I went with a white shirt with a green vest and blue shorts. It was comfortable enough... But it did not feel right. The pictures online were usually dresses or skirts and I hated dresses and skirts. I even wear shorts under my skirt for precautions. An assassin who doesn't do so is an idiot. I sighed and took a few dresses I had out. I only had one I could still fit in. It was a white sleeveless dress that ended at my knee. It was a little embarrassing, but I put in on anyway (with shorts underneath).

"Ritsu, do you think this is fine? I am skipping school... The only reason why I would ever do that would be because of my work..." I asked.

"You know how Koro-sensei is. He probably skip his work to watch you two go on a date," Ritsu replied. "A date is a social or romantic appointment."

"Sh-Shush. I still don't understand why he would ask me out on one, it feels extremely weird..." I commented. "Plus, we hate each other..." At least I think...

"Don't worry! It's Karma you are talking about," Ritsu replied.

"... Yeah... I should start worrying... maybe I can quickly change and get to school before he comes-" The doorbell rang. He was here already... "Maybe I can jump out the window..."

"Don't be a chicken Haru-Haru!" Ritsu said. "That's what Karma asked me to tell you."

"I'm not a chicken!" I pouted. "Fine! I am going down." I sighed and went out of my room to the front door. I gulped and opened the door. Karma was looking at his phone, he looked up to me when the door opened. He seemed a little red.

"Hey Haru-Haru, I see that Ritsu has told you about how to dress properly for a date," Karma teased. "You look pretty cute in a dress."

"Th-Thanks..." I mumbled.

""Well, let's head off!" Karma said and grabbed my hand. He dragged me along and I quicken my pace to catch up.

"Where are you taking me to?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't know, let's see what the majority say," Karma replied.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, kind of confused about what he was talking about.

"Hehe, secret," Karma replied.

Hello everybody! It's me, Karma, and it's up to you guys where Haru-Haru and I will spend our date at, Comment down below your preference and the most popular one will be chosen as the location of our date! I need at least 4 comments of their preference before author-san is allowed to type the next chapter, so start commenting!

Update: Karma again, there has been enough preference, however author-san has been busy with school and will be trying hr best to write

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