Chapter 41: The Rorschach Reaper-Part 2

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Marie told Jones that they don't have time to brood over any this and she suggested that they send the video to Alex so he can see what it's all about. While Alex was examining the tablet and the surveillance video, Marie got a call from her adoptive father Paul. Once she answered it, Paul said to her on the other end, "Marie, are you all right? I was finishing up my paperwork when I heard it on the news. That poor girl and she was so young too."

Marie told Paul that she was all right, aside from the part that she was almost run over by some shoes, but Jones protected her from that. Marie then said, "Jones and I are doing our best to solve this murder just like all the others."

"Well if it gets too dangerous, I want you to come home immediately. Scott's also getting worried and he saw the same story in his room," Paul said and Marie agreed to do that, but she knows she can't cause she has to arrest the Rorschach Reaper and mend her grandfather and Cathy's relationship.

After Marie was done talking to Paul, Alex was done analyzing the tablet and the surveillance video and he called Jones and Marie to the tech lab to tell them what he found. The first thing Alex told them about was the tablet and he explained to the two officers, "It looks like Madison's file was an interesting read cause she's got more notices for sneaking out after nightfall than there are days in the year! But honestly, it seems really unfair. Cause there's barely any day without her getting into trouble for the most trivial things!"

After she heard that, Marie suggested, "Then maybe we should have a chat with Donna Walker about that. Cause she always seems to harbor a resentment toward the "popular" kids." And Jones agreed.

Alex then told them that Madison was always caught in the football stadium with Chad after hours. Jones then elbowed Marie and said to her with a wink, "Well I guess anyone can guess what they were doing after those hours, right Marie?!"

Marie rolled her eyes and said to her partner, "Don't joke around about that David! It's our job to make sure that there was nothing more, got it?" And Jones nodded his head quickly.

Before they could talk to either Dean Walker or Chad, Marie asked Alex what he found from the surveillance video. Alex then explained to them with a loving look on his face, "It seems that Cathy really outdid herself this time! Even though those video feeds are highly secured, I don't even know how she even managed to retrieve them! It's a surveillance camera footage of the Grimsbourough Detention Center and it shows the cell of a prisoner you just arrested Marie; Penelope Rivera!"

Confused and curious, Marie remembered how Penelope disguised her friend's murder as a suicide. She then recalled something and said, "I just remembered that there was a Rorschach test at that crime scene that day! So that means that that murder was orchestrated by our serial killer too!"

Alex agreed and said, "Unfortunately, there's no audio on those video feeds. But as you can see, Penelope seems to have become obsessed with those Rorschach tests."

After they heard that, Jones and Marie both had the same idea; they were going to the detention center to talk to Penelope. As soon as they got there and approached Penelope's cell, she instantly noticed Marie and ran up to her and said to her through the bars of her paper littered cell, "Major! I didn't think I would ever see you again! I kept in trying to contact you about the Rorschach Reaper, but they wouldn't let me!"

Jones then gave Penelope a look and thought, so she knew about the serial killer too, huh? He was about to tell the girl that it doesn't change anything, but Penelope interrupted and said, "Believe me, I'm not trying to escape my sentence! I know I killed Lisa, but I'm not gonna let other people die because of that freak! Look, I know none of this makes sense. One second I'm really angry at Lisa and the next thing I knew, I was dead set on committing murder! Even I can feel there's something wrong here! The last thing I remember before my change of heart was being accosted was at the football field and that damn pendulum swinging back and forth in front of me!"

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