Chapter Thirty six

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Soha's point of view:

"We'll keep shuffling every section twice a month. For example: let's set up  the toiletries section on the north side. And the beverages in this section." I pointed at the empty rack.

The super shop I had bought was running smoothly. I changed the whole decor, and made it cosy looking. The previous owner failed due to his lack of interest in experimenting and taking risk. But I was one to take the risk of buying this shop and turn it into one of the biggest super shop in the country. I also aimed at opening up branches in other cities.

With that aim in my mind, I gathered the employees, allowing them to share their opinions as well on the matter of policies that I had taken. This was a great way to make them feel that their opinions were valuable too. And they really were. A few employees pointed out many reasons why it was unable to make profit before.

I kept their valuable opinions in mind and made a new strategy. But my brain wasn't working right. No one had a single clue what was going on in my mind. I heart ached, but I tried to keep a straight face.

I felt empty.

My fear came true.

He was unwilling to talk to me.

Don't go there. Stop thinking about it. I scolded myself mentally.

Even though my mind tried to forget about it. I couldn't just make myself do so.

"Ma'am, is that all?" The cashier asked.

"Uh. . Yes. All of you know what your duties are." I said knowing that as all of them were working here before I bought it.

"So, I don't think I've to say anything else. Do you have any questions?"

Someone raised their hand. It was a teenage boy wearing a red polo shirt with short hair. He wore a red polo shirt that meant he was one of the salesmen here.

"Why do we have to keep shuffling the goods twice a month?" He asked with his eyes full of curiosity while everyone else laughed.

"Good question. But I'd rather let you find it out yourself." I was sure someone else could explain him the business strategy. I wasn't in the mood for talking any more.

Thinking about the incident, made me regret the night we created the fake account. I wished I had never agreed to Mahi. Then I wouldn't have known Rahat.

I made him hate me. I shouldn't have told him the truth.

I thought as I came out of the shop. But the truth was I no longer could hide it. It felt like I was going to explode one of these days.


Him: Tell me something about yourself. Something that you haven't told me before.

My heart beat rapidly as I read his text. "Should I tell him?" I asked myself.

Me: I. . .

I was beating around the bush trying to gather enough courage for the next few moments. I went back to my room and turned on the air conditioner because I started sweating. I took the cell phone with shaking hands, and typed the next text. 

Me: I've something to say.

Him: Yeah? What is it?

I took a minute trying to figure out how to make it less nasty. . It definitely sounded bad when I said in my head that I wasn't what he thought I was.

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