Chapter 39: Marked for Death-Part 3

Start from the beginning

Mikhail nodded with a smirk and said, "And I just can't wait to see your faces when this hunk of junk draws you to a total blank. Why don't you fetch me some popcorn cause I want to be sure that I enjoy this."

After they hooked Mikhail up to the machine, Jones started with a simple question and asked Mikhail where he was born and Mikhail lied by telling Jones that he was born on the moon. Marie then asked him, "We understand that there was a rivalry going on between you and Tyler. Did you kill him just to get rid of the competition?"

Mikhail then smirked and said truthfully, "You do realize I'm only doing this stupid test cause it beats the shit out of sitting in a cell right? That doesn't mean I have to answer anything you say if I don't want to."

Confused by what he was hearing, Jones asked, "Stop acting dumb Mikhail?! How could someone as thick-headed as you even manage to break out of prison in the first place?!"

Mikhail then answered truthfully, "Breaking out of here was a blast! I just hacked my way to freedom by accessing the prison's mainframe!"

Marie crossed her eyes at the man and asked, "And then you decided to chill out on campus and take your chances with the local cheerleaders? Is that why you're still wearing a 'Vote For Madison' badge?"

Mikhail smirked and answered truthfully, "That's pretty much it babe! The chicks and the bicycle equipment!"

Mikhail then lied about him and Madison making out and he thought that she's in love with him. Jones thinks that Madison is pretty lucky now that Mikhail is locked up and they decided to move on to the next question. Two hours later after asking him many questions, Jones and Marie were at their last breath and Marie sighed deeply and asked, "Okay Mikhail, we're going to ask you this one last time and you'd better give us a straight forward answer; did you or did you not kill Tyler Wright?!"

Mikhail then smirked at them and said to them in a lie, "What do you even know? Maybe I prayed so hard for this koziol to die that it actually happened! Or maybe I killed him in some parallel universe and some sort of reality branch put him in the Dean's office!"

Jones got really red in the face and shouted at the Russian man, "Spare us your low-rent wits Mikhail! Answer us YES or NO! And trust me on this cause you don't want to push Marie to the limits!"

Mikhail chuckled deeply and said truthfully, "How can you rely on such fragile concepts? Honestly, I expected a lot more from top cops like you."

After they were done giving Mikhail the test, Jones and Marie slumped down in their seats in exhaustion after asking him what felt like about fifty questions. Jones then complained, "We must've asked that guy at least a hundred questions back there! I'm so exhausted that I think it's about time to sound the cookie break alarm."

Marie then suggested to him, "How about one of my energy bars instead? I always keep them with me whenever I feel a wave of exhaustion like right now."

Marie then pulled a bar out of her drawer, unwrapped it and she bit into it. Jones asked for a caramel one, but Marie told him that she was all out and tossed him a strawberry yogurt one instead. After Jones unwrapped his bar and but into it, he swallowed what was in his mouth and said, "The only way we can be sure the answers on the graph that you obtained from the lie detector are accurate is to send them to Alex. He'll definitely know how to decipher this kind of data."

Marie agreed to send it to Alex and after a few minutes he was done analyzing the test they gave to Mikhail. When Marie asked Alex if he found out if Mikhail killed Tyler, he shook his head and explained, "It's kind of a pity that you couldn't get Mikhail to answer whether he killed Tyler or not because the lie detector would've spotted his lie by a mile off."

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