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Austria x Nyo!Prussia x Hungary
Human AU/ Modern Kingdom AU

Julchen grumbled as the maid behind her pulled the corset tighter.

"Sorry, miss." The maid muttered, listening the corset greatly, much to the relief of Julchen.

"This is so stupid," she grumbled for the billionth time that evening. "I don't even want to marry this dumb Prince anyway! I'm not even into men!"

"If you don't mind me saying, miss, but I think that's the entire reason the king and queen want you to marry Sir Rodrich." The maid offered quietly, tying the last strings on the corset. "Time for the dress miss." Julchen begrudgingly stepped into the blue dress and allowed the maid to tie it.

"Thanks, ummm, what's you name again?"

"Marguerite Williams, miss." She answered, bowing slightly.

"Thank you, Marguerite."


At the ball, Julchen sat on the side, watching all the other's dance. She was supposed to have met her fiance an hour ago, but she had run off.

"Are you Julchen?" A boy around her age with brown hair asked. She scowled  at him and crossed her arms.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" She snapped.

"I am Roderick. Your fiance." Her scowl seemed to deepen.

"Well then piss off, douche. My milkshake didn't mean to bring you to the yard. I don't wanna marry you." He seemed to flinch slightly, but quickly recovered.

"Well, I'm sorry to say, but you have no choice in that matter, so I would like to have a dance, maybe get to know you better." She scowled.

"I don't dance." He shrugged and took a seat.

"What are you hobbys?" He asked, taking a sip of his wine.

"Making out with hot chicks and annoying the hell out of assholes." She looked up to glare at him only to lock eyes with a beautiful pair of green one. "Speaking of hot chicks..." She quickly got up, leaving Rodrich to himself.

"Hello, my dear." Elizabeta greeted the albino girl, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into a dance. " It's been far too long. I've been beginning to miss your annoying, asshole behaviour." The Hungarian girl commented, only to be silenced by a hungry kiss. She was pushed into the nearest chair. After a minute, Julchen pulled away and buried her face in the other girl's neck.

"I don't want to get married, Eliza... I love you. Not him." She sobbed quietly while the other rubbed comforting circles on her back.

"It's okay... It's gonna be okay..."

"It's not going to be okay! Nothing about this is okay!" Julchen sniffed, being her head up to take a deep breath. Her cheeks were a bright blotchy red and her eyes were puffy and snot was nearly running down her chin, but Elizabeta smiled anyway.

"Come, my dear, let's get you cleaned up and then let's talk to your parents, see what we can do about this marriage." Julchen nodded somberly and followed the other girl to the nearest bathroom.

Roderick didn't understand why Julchen seemed to hate him so much. As far as he knew, they had never once met each other, so what was the big deal? She didn't have a reason to hate him, and yet, she did.

He watched at she kissed that beautiful brown haired girl fervently, as if her life depended on it. He watched as she began to cry and how the girl comforted her. He watched at they walked out of the ballroom.

When the two came back in, Julchen was dressed in a different blue dress. This one shorter and obviously more comfortable, especially with out that corset. Her cheeks were still blotchy and red and she still looked like she had been sobbing. And in all truth, she probably had been.

The couple approached Julchen's parents and asked if she could marry Elizabeta instead. Her parents were unyielding in their decision for her to marry Roderick and kicked Elizabeta out. With much force, the Queen dragged Julchen back over to Roderick.

"I am sorry." He spoke stiffly, taking a sip from his wine. "You seem to be very fond of her."

Julchen let out a sad laugh. "Fond? God, I was- I am so much more than find of her. I love her. I've been in love with her since we were kids! She used to think she was a guy, and sometimes, I wish she was so we could just live peacefully."

"I'm calling our marriage off." He declared, setting his cup down. "They might not listen to you, but they'll listen to me. Now go." Smiling is shock and surprise, Julchen stood and raced at of the building. Finally, she could have her happily ever after.

Shit stories are shit.

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