Sleeping In *Request* ✅

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Prompt: Sleeping In

Arthur stumbled into the house, just returning home from work. A loud yawn escaped his lips as he kicked his shoes off. He shuffled into the living room, only to see Alfred asleep in front of the telly. He sighed and turned it off before shaking the American awake.

"Hm...? Oh... *yawn* You're back..."

"Yes I am. And it's past your bed time." Alfred pouted and whined.

"But Iggggggyyyyyy.... I'm not *yawn* tireeeeeeeeeed..."

"Sure you're not, come on, let's go to bed." Sluggishly, Alfred dragged himself to their shared bedroom and curled up, falling asleep quickly. Arthur changed into his pajamas and climbed into the bed next to him.

Immediately, he latched onto the Brit. He buried his head in the other's nick and wrapped his legs around his waist. Smiling, he kissed the American's forehead and fell asleep.

Arthur slowly opened his eyes next morning. He turned on his side and glanced at the alarm clock, it was nearly noon. He tried to sit up, but Alfred's arm held him down.

"Alfred, let go, you git." He mumbled attempting to get out of bed, only get a grunt in return. "I'm serious, Alfred."

"Go back to sleep Iggy... You barely ever get any sleep ever." With a defeated sigh, Arthur laid back down.

"Fine." He turned and buried his head in the bigger male's chest and slowly falling back asleep.

A/n: So most of these are just going to be drabbles really because I don't have the effort or creativity to write like a 700 word long one shot, I'm sorry if you prefer that but I try. There will still be like long one's but yeah

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