Knight In Shining Armor

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Nyo!America x Reader, modern AU

"Amelia! W-what are you doing here?! If my father catches you, there will be big trouble!" I whispered yelled, scolding the blonde girl who had just climbed through the window.

"I've come to rescue you! You can't stay here, I've seen what your sisters do to you! I won't stand for it!"

"I-I can't go with you, I want to, I really want to but I can't-"

"Please (Y/n)! Let me be your knight in shining armor! I don't want to see you getting hurt anymore!"

"I'm not being hurt."

"Let me see your arm." Hesitantly I hold my arm out to her and she rolls the sleeve up to reveal a large bruise.

"Please (Y/n)... I will treat you better than this... We can run away back to my home town and get married! You can be my queen!" I bit my lip and looked down at our hands.

"Alright. Just let me change and pack a few things." I took off my nightgown and slipped on a pair of jeans and a shirt before packing a bag. I slipped on my converse and swiftly walked to the window.

-TimeSkip (Amelia's pov)-

I held (Y/n)'s hand as I dragged her into the manor. I'm so happy! I've finally saved her from those assholes. How could they hurt her like that? It makes me infuriated just thinking about it!

I looked at (Y/n). Her eyes were downcast, she seemed nervous.

"Are you okay?" She jumped obviously startled. She looked at me and tried to smiled.

"Y-yeah... I'm okay..." I frowned but didn't bother her about it.

I led her up to my room. "Why don't you go take a shower. I'll join you in a minute." She nodded and headed into the bathroom . I grabbed pj's for both of us and headed into the bathroom. I stripped and stepped into the shower. (Y/n)'s back was turned to me, bruises and scars littered her back. Slowly I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face in the crook of her neck. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes.

"I'm so so I wasn't able to protect you from them..."

"It's okay. You saves me, you're my knight in shining armor." She turned and cupped my cheek before kissing me gently. I kissed back and gently nipped her bottom lip. She giggled slightly and her lips curved into a smile before she parted them. Instantly I explored my new found territory.

After a minute more we parted for air. "We should probably wash up." She mumbled.

"Alright, turn around, I'll wash your hair."

After we washed up and changed, we climbed into bed. She curled up, her back against my chest and my arms around her waist.

"Were you serious...? About getting married?" Heat rushed to my face.

"If you want to..!"

"Then you should start planning the wedding." She said, soon falling asleep. I smiled and soon fell asleep as well.

A/n: Personally I think this was really fucking cute. Sorry if it seems short.

Hetalia One Shots (Part 1) (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang