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Thing that has my OC, Vermont, in it

Valerie twitched it annoyance. Her brother, Alfred, had decided to host the world meeting in Vermont, making it a requirement for her to go. Not only did she not want to be here, the blatant disrespect everyone had for Alfred was pissing her off. Sure he could be childish and immature, but what did you expect? He was still a teenager for heaven's sake!

"Bloody hell America! Stop being so childish!" That was the last straw.

"Good God!" She stood abruptly. "What do you have against him?! He has every right to be childish because he's still a teenager!" She snapped, anger rolling off her in waves. "And I mean, I get there's a time and place but you are no better! Do you even hear yourself half the time? Calling him childish when you're the one constantly starting fights with France over nothing! And with your stupid imaginary friends! So just shut the hell up and listen to what he has to say for once! America might not be the brightest bitch in the bunch, but he is a lot smarter than you give him credit for! I know for a fact that he very good ideas, so if you just listened for one goddamn minute you might actually see that!"

Everyone was shocked at her sudden outburst. She was normally such squirt and nice girl. Arthur scooped and stood facing her.

"Now listen here, young lady! This is not how I raised you-"

"Yeah well, you forget that other people raised me too and that I was taught to stand up for loved ones and I will not tolerate people degrading him like this!" They stood staring at each other in pure anger when Francis placed a hand on Valerie's shoulder.

"Come on, take a walk with big brother France." She turned and stalked out of the meeting room next to Francis.

"God I hate him so much! He's always being so rude towards everyone! I'm so glad he's not my brother anymore."

"Valerie, I realize that you're angry with him-"

"Angry doesn't even begin to describe it! He's just a bitter old man! He doesn't listen to what we have to say because we're teens and he's not! He thinks he's so much smarter than us because he's older! It's like what we say doesn't matter him! He's stuck in this fantasy that he's right about everything and we know nothing!"

"Petite Soeur [1]. Please calm down." She took a few deep breaths.

"He doesn't realize that Alfred is so smart... And it crushes him... All he wants is Arthur's approval, but he keeps thinking Alfred is just a dumb child."

"I'm afraid that Arthur is always like that and I don't think he's going to change anytime soon." He offers her a small smile. "Now, why don't we go back to the meeting, oui?"



"Hey! Valerie! Sis! Wait up!" Val turned and looked at Alfred expectantly.

"Yeah Al? What do you need?" He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks for sticking up for me in there... I really appreciate it." He smiles brightly and hugs her.

"Yeah, no problem." She replies, hugging back. "That's what sisters are for."

Hetalia One Shots (Part 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now