DenNor *Request*

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A/n: Also a request! Thank you! I hope you enjoy this! I apologize if this is shit, I don't know much about both Denmark and Norway so please bear with me! Also, this connects to the last one shot and this will have a slight lime in it! Magnus=Denmark
Embarrassing Nick Name=E/n/n

"Big brother wake up! It's time to get ready for school!" The small girl squealed excitedly as she shook Lukas awake. Very slowly the blonde pulled himself out of bed and walked down to the kitchen where Magnus was making coffee anf breakfast.

"Good morning!" The Dane greeted cheerfully, setting three steaming plates on the table.

"Morning..." He mumbled, sipping his coffee. (Y/n) began to dig into the food set before her with a delighted smile.

"Thanks for breakfast Maggy!" Magnus smiled.

"You're welcome (e/n/n)!" After breakfast, Lukas dressed himself and drove (Y/n) to school, wishing her luck.


Lukas gripped the headboard of the bed as Magnus slammed into him. He let out loud and breathy moans alike. All of a sudden his phone rang, it was the school. Magnus stopped so Lukas could answer the phone.

"*pant* Hello? Mhm. Okay we'll be there as soon as we can." He hung up and set the phone back on the nightstand. "Let's hurry up." With a grin Magnus continued to fuck his boyfriend.

The couple walked into the school to see (Y/n) sitting in the office holding a tissue to her nose to hopefully stop the bleeding.

The boy sitting next to her had a large purple bruise on his cheek and a busted lip. The headmaster talked to them about what happened and that she would need to be sent home along with Lovino.

As they walked out the door, Lovino grabbed her sleeve. The older couple smiled slightly at the exchange of words, finding it rather cute. Of course, she was still grounded.

A/n: Shitty one-shots be shitty one shots.

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