Janitors Closet *Lime**Request*

396 5 4

Germany x Nyo!Germany

Monika gasped as she was pinned to the wall of the janitors closest. Ludwig's lips met hers in her hot, open mouthed kiss. When he pulled back she panted.

"We... We don't have time for this, Ludwig... Lunch will be over soon!"

"We have plenty of time, liebe." He murmured, crushing her lips in another bruising kiss. His hands immediately began to  wander her body, playing with the hem of her pants and occasionally grabbing her ass.

She moaned softly and allowed her hands to wander his body as well. They slid up his shirt , over his rock hard abs (I write ducking smut and I'm not embarrassed about it, but fucking making out and abs get me all flustered! I'm not even into guys!). She groaned as he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around him.

He began to trail sloppy nips and kisses down her neck and collar none leaving barely noticeable hickies in his wake. He pulled back so he could pull her sports bra off. Her nipples hardened once they were exposed to the somewhat cold air.

Immediately, he took one in his mouth, sucking art it gently, swirling his tongue around it. He used one hand to pinch and twist the other, tweaking it between his thumb and pointer finger. She was quickly turned into a moaning, squirming mess beneath him.


The other countries blushed brightly as they heard the sound coming from the janitors closet. Although, in the bright side there wasn't much fighting.

A/n: What is this omg... Well anyway, this was a request and I hoped you enjoyed it.

Hetalia One Shots (Part 1) (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें