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FrUs!!! So cute...

"Franciiiiiiiiiiisssssss....!" The American whined. "Cuddle meeeeeeee....!" He squirmed helplessly on the couch. It was one of the nights where he had burst into Francis' house, just to spend time with him. The Frenchman smiled at his childish antics and laid on the couch.

"Come here, mon amour." He held his arms open, inviting him into them. Alfred snuggled into him, wrapping his arms around his chest. They stayed like that for awhile, Alfred talking about random things, much like a child would. But Francis couldn't help but notice something was off.

"Alfred," he started, his voice full of worry. "Have you been eating right?" The American laughed nervously.

"Of course! The hero always eats right! Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're too light." He stated simply, his brow furrowed. "You promised me you would stop this." Alfred sat up. A frown implanted on his lips, which had started to tremble.

"I-I'm sorry Francis... I-I just th-thought-" He choked back a sob and hid he face in his hands as he began to cry. Immediately Francis pulled him into his arms.

"Hey... It's okay... Shh... There's no need to cry..." He rubbed his back in a soothing motion. "I know exactly why you did it..." They stayed like that for a long while, until he had calmed down.

"Why don't you stay here. I'll make you something to eat." He hesitantly nodded and let go of him. Francis went to the kitchen to prepare the food. Alfred sighed miserably and laid back, the events of the past months playing in his mind.


America squirmed uncomfortably in his chair at the world meeting. He could feel the hateful glares that were sent in his direction.

"God, he's so fat." A voice mumbled.

"He's a dumbass as well." Someone agreed.

"His country is in such bad shape."

"I kind of pity him but, he brought it on himself. That dumb fuck." He knew they were talking about him, he knew it. And so, after the meeting he went home and cried. He locked himself in his office for weeks at a time. Only coming out for meeting and the occasional bite of food.

One day, he didn't show up. The meeting called off when no one could reach him. Canada, in concern for him, went to visit. When he received no reply at the door, he tried calling. He could hear the ringing from the inside.

Hesitantly, he opened the door. Laying there unconscious, was America. His skin was pale, dark bags rested under his eyes and he was too pale. Quickly, he called the hospital.

He was discharged a few weeks later when he regained consciousness and began eating again. He was quiet and kept to himself, but he slowly opened up and returned to normal. France urged him to move in with him, but he declined politely, saying he could take care of himself.

The American felt he wasn't good enough. Like he was ugly and fat. He felt the more weight he put on, the less Francis would want to be with him. So, he started eating less and less again. He just wanted to be perfect.

~Flashback Over~

He curled up on himself, beginning to cry again. His cerulean eyes clenched shut. Quiet, broken sobs passed his quivering lips. He understood why everyone hated him, hell, he hated himself. But what he didn't understand, is why Francis cared so much about a screw up like him.

Francis strutted back into the living room with the food, only to see Alfred crying again. He set the plates down and sat on the couch before pulling him into his lap, wrapping his arms around the other's shaking form.

He murmured sweet words in French, in an attempt to comfort him. After a bit, he shaking calmed a bit but his crying continued.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Francis..." He mumbled into his chest. "I'm so sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Mon cher." He murmured, petting his hair.

"Yes I do... I'm a horrible person... I don't deserve you..."

"Non. If anything, I don't deserve you." He tilted the American's head up and wiped his tears. "You are the most wonderful person in my life and I wouldn't ever want anyone else. You don't need to change for me to like you, because I love you the way you are." He kissed his cheeks lovingly. "I love you so, so much."

"I love you too."

A/n: Awww how cute! I hope this one doesn't suck because I tried.

Hetalia One Shots (Part 1) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن