Summer Camp

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America x Ace x 2p!America x Nyo!Canada

A/n: That picture has literally nothing to do with this, I just wanted it there. Credit to the creator, that's sexy as fuck man. Also, I know I said I shipped Ace with Sealand but I also happen to ship him with America. America is 19, Ace is 14, not that big of a difference. Normally Ace is 13, but I have a five year gap limit. Deal with it. Also, Jason is 2p!America. Also if you can't tell, I really like any ship that has to do with Canada and 2p!America.

Summer camp was not at all how Ace imagined his summer going, but his guardians (the BTT) decided he should spend more time around people his age. So, he packed up his bags and boarded the bus. All the seats were full, but he spotted a familiar face.

"Alfred, hey!" He greeted as he plopped into the seat next to the older male. The American smiled brightly and kissed his cheek.

"Hey babe!" Yes, they were dating and no, they didn't care what everyone else thought. True, the American was five years older than him, but he didn't care, it wasn't that big of an age gap anyway. Throughout the bus ride they held hands and listened to music and eventually Ace fell asleep.

Alfred could help but admire Ace's sleeping figure. He was so peaceful, so vulnerable, so cute. He was so glad he had met him.


It was a hot summer day and Ace was on a walk through the park. He had just gotten done running laps with his uncle Ludwig and was a sweating mess.

"Yo, dude! You okay there?" He looked up from his hunched over position to see an obviously older (and sexier) guy.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just really thirsty."

"Oh, that's no good! My brother is running a lemonade stand, I'll show you to it!" He grabbed Ace's hand ad dragged him towards a lemonade stand that a blonde boy sat at. "Hey Mattie! Can I get a glass of lemonade please?"

"Yeah of course!" The boy handed him the cup and the Alfred payed for it before handing it to Ace.

"I'm Alfred by the way!"

"I'm Ace."

-Flashback over-

When they arrived at the camp, Al gently shook Ace awake. He jumped a bit and looked at him sleepily.

"What is it...?"

"We're getting off the bus."

"Oh.." He yawned and put his back pack on and grabbed his two duffle bags. "Carry me?" He gave his best puppy dog face. After a minute Alfred caved and picked him up, carrying him off the bus. The camp officials went over rules and cabins and stuff. Thankfully Ace and Alfred ended up in the same cabin along with Alfred's cousin Jason.

Jason happened to have a crush on Ace so, this was a bit of a problem. Alfred didn't say a word to him as he laid Ace on his bunk. After kissing his forehead he grabbed Jason by the sleeve and dragged him out of the cabin.

"Listen up Jason. Ace is my boyfriend, if you do anything to him, I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you! Got it?"

"Yeah yeah, now back off." Jason brushed it of but couldn't hide his wicked smirk as he turned and headed back into the cabin, Alfred following close behind.

Later, Al woke Ace up for dinner. He yawned and stretched in possibly the cutest way ever. As they headed to dinner, Jason watched in jealousy. Why was Ace dating such an idiot, when he could have him instead?

His jealousy grew higher and higher as he watched Alfred wrap an arm around Ace during dinner, and when the cuddled close in bed that night. H sleep, he couldn't, knowing that a perfect angel was with his idiotic cousin.

The next day, Jason was more irritable than the day before. He woke to Al and Ace making out in bed. He grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and stomped off to the bathrooms.

He sat in silence when they went to the beach, his anger only building up even more. His arms were crossed over his chest and you could practically see his aura. He stared at the happy couple for what seemed like hours when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"U-umm..." A blonde girl stuttered, her face flushed. She wore a bikini with the Canadian flag on it and looked rather uncomfortable.

"Can I help you, doll?" Her blush deepened.

"A-actually... My friends dared me to come over here and stuff..." She grumbled, motioning to a group of giggling girls. "Because you looked angry and all... They said you were hot..."

"That's good to know. But I think the real question is, do you think I'm hot?"

"N-no! I mean y-yes! N-no I don't! Maybe!" She stumbled over her and words and her blush became darker. He smirked at her.

"What's your name, doll? I'm Jason~"

"Margurite... Just call me Meg..."

"Well Meg, let's go on a date sometime, alright?"

"O-okay!" She agreed readily.

"Great~ Can't wait~"

Least he can say summer camp wasn't a complete waste.

A/n: Shitty one shots all the way...

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