Little Sunflower

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He had been there waiting for 3 hours. Waiting for someone to show up. A heavy sigh escapes his lips and he stands up to take down the 'Happy Birthday Ivan'. After so many years of sitting and waiting for someone to come, he was starting to lose hope. At this point he would be happy if even Belarus showed up.

Half way through taking the decorations down, there's a loud knock on the door. Hope fills him as he rushes to the door. Standing on the porch is (Y/n). She's a crying hiccuping mess. As soon as she spots Ivan she tackles him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry! I-I just lost track of time and I wanted to make your present absolutely perfect! B-but I missed your party didn't I?! Oh god I'm a terrible friend-"

"Sunflower! Please calm down. You were the only one to show up to my party. So please come in."

"I was the only one...?

"Da. The others never come, but now that you're here everything is better, da?"

"Y-yeah..." a delicate smile traces her lips. They talk for a bit. "OH! Your present!" She hands the russian a bag with soft pink paper inside. He pulls to out to reveal a bottle of vodka and a scarf with little sunflowers embroidered on it.

"Sunflower... I love it!"

"Good. But I have one more thing." The girl runs out to her car and comes back in with a bouquet of sunflowers. Russia pulls her into a bear hug.

"I love you sunflower."

"I love you too." Without second thoughts Ivan crashes his lips onto (Y/n)'s.

The next day Ivan wore his scarf to the meeting. Nobody could figure out why Russia was smiling so brightly.

Thank you all my little sunflowers for reading this. Russia would like to thank you as well.

Russia: Thank you all my little sunflowers. Please join me next time as well. And thank you for the scarf.

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