Poland x Shy!Reader x Latvia

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It started out as a normal day. You woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school.

You sat in your seat and doodled on a piece of paper. Locks of (h/c) hair would occasionally fall into your face and you couldn't help but sigh in irritation as you pushed more of it behind your ear.

A cute yelp left your lips as you felt someone run there hands through your hair. You turned back to see Feliks smiling brightly as he scooted his desk closer to you.

"Hey, you seem to like, be having some trouble with your hair. Would you mind, if I like, made your hair look totally awesome?" You blushed brightly.

"U-umm sure...?"

"That's like, totally great! Now turn around!" You did as told and faced the front of the room. You could feel a brush running through your hair, soothing you. Your eyes droop and you struggle to stay awake. You yawned quietly and you could hear a small giggle.

"If you're tired then just, like, fall asleep." He giggled quietly at how cute you looked half asleep.

"But what if I get caught? Ms. Kirkland would get mad at me..."

"Don't worry, we have a, like totally awesome sub today! Plus, I'll cover for you." You yawned again and laid your head in your arms.

"Thanks Feliks..." Slowly you drifted off into dreamland.


You woke up about an hour later in the library. Your head was resting in Feliks' lap as his fingers combed through your hair gently.

"You're, like, finally awake! You're such a heavy sleeper, but you looked so cute!" You blushed sat up.

"T-thanks, I wouldn't say I'm cute though."

"Nonsense, you looked like a kitten!" Your face flushed a brighter shade of red and you buried you face into your hands. "See! You look so cute!" He smiled brightly. "Speaking of which, now is like, the perfect time! Would you like to go on a totally fabulous date with me?"

You nearly choked on nothing. An acute squeak left your lips. "U-ummm, s-sure!" You agreed quickly, nearly hyperventilating. The boy you had a crush on for the longest time was asking you out.

"Great! I'll pick you up at, like, seven!"

-time skip-

By the time Feliks came to pick you up, you were still a very flustered mess. Though, he had said the blush suited your outfit. It was a simple pale pink dress with black flats, so you could see where he was coming from.

He took you to a fancy restaurant he complimented you and smiled, he sent the occasional wink, but nothing felt right. He seemed nervous and skittish.

Half way through eating he dropped his fork and put his head in his hands. Tears dripped onto the table and his lip quivered.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)! I've been having trouble figuring out my sexuality and so I used you and now I feel bad and I'm like, really sorry!" He cried. You had to admit that your heart cracked a bit, but you knew this was to good to be true.

"Hey... It's okay. I don't care if you used me. But you could've just asked me for help. Now is there someone in particular that you feel an attraction to that made you question?" You asked.

"Yeah, his name is Toris..." He mumbled, a blush growing on his face.

"I see. Are you afraid people will look down on you for liking the same gender?" He nods. "Don't let their opinions dictate your life, if anyone is being mean to you just let me know, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Great now go get your man!" You smile at him as he leaves. As soon as he's gone the smile drops. Tears start to from in your eyes.

"U-umm... A-are you okay miss...?" A small voice squeaks from beside you. You turn your head to see a cute blonde boy.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just found out the guy I like is gay, but this isn't the first time."

"Oh... Well if you w-would like, I c-could f-finish the date with you... Only if you don't mind of course!" He suggests, looking down. Instantly you brightened.

"I-I would love that! I'm (Y/n) by the way! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm Raivis, it's wonderful to meet you!"

Hetalia One Shots (Part 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now