"Take a picture it'll last longer," my eyes widen, and I feel my cheeks instantly warm up, but I have an ego of my own- one that I'm not willing to let get hurt.

"I don't have a phone," I say with a straight face.

His expression shows that he did not expect that in response, "Oh. Uhh.. okay?"

"Don't judge me. I'm living off of my dead ex-husbands money and I'm raising 2 kids on my own. I honestly don't have enough money for a stupid phone," I deadpan. By the way- I don't have a dead ex-husband or two kids. I'm just bored and am looking for some entertainment.

"Really? I've heard better," He laughs.

I shrug my shoulders, and watch as amusement crosses his eyes.

"Okay, bye," I grin, attempting to walk away, until I feel him grab my arm lightly.

I stop mid step and turn around slowly "Yes?" I ask him calmly.

"What's your name?" he smirks, letting go of my arm.

"None-ya," I sarcastically smile at him and start heading to the office.

I get the newsletter and quickly head to PCG, because the bells signals.

I walk in to see Asher sitting in our usual spot, which is at the far left corner- right next to the window. My friends say hi to me as I walk past, and I quickly say hi back.

Asher's head is facing down against his arms. I tap his shoulder until he looks up. I notice he has dark circles under his eyes, and his hair is dishevelled.

"What's up, Ash?" I ask, immediately at his side.

"The sky?" He grumbles, leaning back against his crossed arms.

I punch his shoulder softly, "C'mon."

I hear him sigh, before straightening his posture, "My parents got into another fight, and I called my Auntie. She came all the way from Cambridge Park to pick up Kyle and me. I didn't get enough sleep last night, because Kyle was crying."

I honestly don't know what to say, so I pull him into a tight hug. His arms are immediately around me.

I pull away and put my fist out, making him kiss my knuckles. He then puts his fist out, while I quickly peck it. We do this knuckle kisses thing to remind each other that we're strong.

After a couple of minutes later, Mr Randell walks into the class with a scowl, "Ahem!" he angrily clear his throat.

Everyone quiets down, and turns their focus on Mr. Randell.

"Keep your voices down. You all aren't the only people in this building," he sternly says. He sorts his things out, and takes a seat behind his desk.

I turn to Asher and nudge his arm.

He hums in respone, "I bumped into-"

"Hi, am I late?" Everyone turns to the classroom door, and sees the guy I bumped into in the hallway.

"-Him," I finish my sentence off. I continue to stare at him, and can't help but admire his cute little dimples.

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