"You're her friend though?" Brian scoffs out, looking over his shoulder at me. "I wonder what your mother would think with you being friends with scum like him. Your mother hated smokers right?"

It takes a split second before he's shoved into the lockers by a fistful of his shirt. Rhys towers over him and Brian sinks back as if the metal will swallow him up. I look around noticing the phones directed this way while Rhys laughs lightly.

"Well she let you be friends with her," Rhys' smirk drops into a straight line. "You need to watch yourself very carefully right now otherwise-"

"You have no proof it was him or me for that matter." I raise my voice over the top of Rhys' and hesitantly pull the sleeve of his jacket that's connected to the hand holding Brian against the locker.

"I know it was him." Brian snaps and I pull harder to get him to let go.

Rhys pulls his arm away from me, stepping closer with narrowed eyes. Mine flicker behind him and give a subtle nod, disguising it as a head roll. I see Rhys look over his shoulder and freeze for a moment, he pivots in a circle before jabbing a finger into Brian's chest.

"I didn't do it," Rhys smiles maliciously at him. "I was with Kira and didn't leave the classroom."

"You know what you-"

"What's going on here?" I cross my arms over my chest, taking a step back when I see Mr Farnell push through the crowd. "Principal's office now, all three of you."

"But I didn't do anything." I state with a look of horror.

He narrows his eyes at me. "This is your third trip within two weeks to the admin office that I'm aware of. I'm starting to believe this is a common thing for you Kira, by arguing you're already making a bad impression."

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, sending glares to both boys who seem a bit shocked as I head to the office. This has got to be a joke. My dream of having my senior year run smoothly seems like it's crashed and burned, severely.


"Alright. Please come in," I look up as Mr Burton speaks to both Brian and I. After I wrote my report, Rhys and I swapped which means he's still inside, where we're all about to get interrogated. "Take a seat and we can get started."

I slip inside, instantly taking the middle seat to avoid them sitting next to one another. Rhys looked at me with a raised eyebrow and leans closer when Mr Burton stops an office lady as she goes past.

"I read what your wrote," He whispers and I furrow my eyebrows. "You pressed hard on the paper and imprinted it onto the next one."

"So Brian believes that Rhys stole his clothes during the third period but he was in class the whole of the period," Mr Burton sits down with a sigh. "According to Kira he was there the whole time which leads me to ask - how would you notice that?"

"He sits diagonally from me and his head blocks the view of the clock," I explain which is partially true, Rhys gives me a look but doesn't speak up. "I didn't see him leave."

Brian snorts. "Just because he didn't physically do it himself doesn't mean he didn't orchestra it."

"I can't blame you for thinking that," Rhys crosses his arms, giving a shrug. "You did after all bully my brother and on top of it hit then harass a friend of mine. Which is the reason why I had him against the locker, I wasn't going to let him hurt her anymore than he has."

Dangerous AttachmentWhere stories live. Discover now